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Android Based Multi-Sensor Platform on Raspberry Pi

Group 2

Anil Kumar Pankaj Tanotra Nithin Parameshwaraiah Darshan Muddukrishna Murthy Tutor Daniel Burgstahler Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Steinmetz KOM - Multimedia Communications Lab


author(s) of these slides including research results from the KOM research network and TU Darmstadt; otherwise it is specified at the respective slide

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Project Overview Introduction to Raspberry Pi Installing Android on Raspberry Pi Detecting USB devices connected to Raspberry Pi Androids USB Host and Accessory modes Houston, We have a problem! Plan for the next month

KOM Multimedia Communications Lab

Project Overview:

Sensor ZigBee ZBS-121



Raspberry Pi

KOM Multimedia Communications Lab

Introduction to Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Little more than a single circuit board Blank slate no keyboard, no mouse, no monitor and no OS Opens a world of coding possibilities Allows installation of many Android apps and games Current compatible version is Android 2.3 Gingerbread Android 4.0 on Raspberry Pi will be available in near future

KOM Multimedia Communications Lab

Installing Android on Raspberry Pi

Requirements : Raspberry Pi An SD card with at least 4GB of free space CyanogenMod 7.2 (custom Android ROM) for the Raspberry Pi Windows OS users Can use Win32DiskImager to copy the image to the SD card Linux OS users Can use dd command in Terminal to copy the image file across to the SD card

KOM Multimedia Communications Lab

Detecting USB devices connected to Raspberry Pi

After inserting the SD card, using the HDMI port and connecting it to a monitor we can see the booting process. We then configured a static IP address to the Raspberry Pi Using the below commands it is possible to check the connected devices to Raspberry Pi ./adb connect 5555 ./adb shell # /dev /dev/ttyUSB0 is missing There is no API-featured way to receive permissions for the /dev/ttyUSBX device node

KOM Multimedia Communications Lab

Androids USB Host and Accessory modes

Android supports a variety of USB peripherals and Android USB accessories (hardware that implements the Android accessory protocol) through two modes: USB Accessory USB Host

Source :

KOM Multimedia Communications Lab

Houston, We have a problem!

Android 2.3 sadly has no USB API for host mode. Possibility to port libusb and implement the necessary functionality in C Possibility for Kernel level changes to enable host mode in Android 2.3 Java Native Interface(JNI) & Native Development Kit (NDK)

KOM Multimedia Communications Lab

Plan for the next month

Porting libusb for Android 2.3 on Raspberry Pi Kernel level tweak to get USB host with USB serial data mode enabled in Android 2.3 Code to get the actual sensor reading values from ZigBee multi-sensor ZBS-121(Pikkerton) Planned to complete by end of June or in first week of July

KOM Multimedia Communications Lab


KOM Multimedia Communications Lab 10

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