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iGFAB - 2013

Rohan Paunikar PGP29212


iGFAB -2013
Detailed Activity Plan Event Schedule

The B-Plan
Post event activity

To to discuss contemporary issues and conceive innovative ideas by bringing academicians, students industry experts on a common platform.

Activity Plan
ACTIVITY 30 days before event Recruit volunteer for event Circulate the notice of the competition to other B-schools and IIM L for participation 20 days before the event with prior event info and other details Registration fees Set up/enable online registration Identify and confirm speakers/presenters/entertainers for the programme Sponsorship: Follow up to confirm sponsorships and underwriting Deadline to submit the ppt and report 10 days before the event Send the entries ppt to executives and get the final shortlist 7 days before the event Communication of the shortlisted participants and confirming their presence on the event one week before the event travel & accommodation arrangements for the company executives in the college guest house. Determine VIPs and create invitation & tracking document (e.g., spreadsheet) Send reminders to participants Confirm travel/accommodation details for executives Venue/logistics planning, escort vehicle Create draft event script (e.g., MC, speaker introductions, thanks, closing, etc.) finalize presentation/speech topics Have all committee chairs meet and confirm all details against Master Plan and ensure back-up plans are developed for any situation (e.g., back-up volunteers as VIP greeters, additional volunteers for registration or set-up, etc.) Check the feasibility , if participants not able to make up then video conferencing with the executives to review their ppt Request to submit copy of the ppt and analysis 3 day before the event Request copy of speeches and/or presentations from the executives if any Determine and arrange all details re menu, A/V equipment, registration set-up, parking, signage, etc. Brief any/all hosts, greeters, volunteers about their event duties and timelines Make print and online copies of any speeches, videos, presentations, etc. Finalizing seating plan, place cards, etc. Ensure all poster and banners is in place Final registration check, name badges & registration list Identify items to be underwritten and accounting tracking details Enable/create email event notifications Date 1 November 2013 5 November 2013 5 November 2013 5 November 2013 11 November 2013 20 November 2013 22 November 2013 28 November 2013 29 November 2013 1 December 2013 1 December 2013 1 December 2013 1 December 2013 3 December 2013 4 December 2013 4 December 2013 4 December 2013 5 December 2013 5 December 2013 5 December 2013 6 December 2013 6 December 2013 6 December 2013 7 December 2013 7 December 2013 7 December 2013 Ongoing

Activity Plan
ACTIVITY 30 days before event Event day Ensure registration and media tables are prepared and stocked with necessary items (e.g., blank name badges, paper, pens, tape, stapler, etc.) Ensure all promo items, gifts, plaques, trophies, etc. are on-site Ensure you have copies of all instructions, directions, phone numbers, keys, extra parking permits for VIP guests, seating charts and guest lists with you Check-in with each Committee Chair to ensure their team is on track. In case if a team is participating in both events then adjusting the presentation slots accordingly to avoid any clashes. To be checked while finalising the presentation sequence Financial status: gather all receipts, documentation, final registration data, etc. and update budget Send thank-you and acknowledgement letters to: Sponsors / volunteers / speakers/ guests Conduct a Post-Event Survey to learn what people enjoyed about your event, and where you have room to improve. Follow-up Communication with Event Participants and their feedback for further improvements Reach out to event participants AND volunteer thank them for participating and promote your ongoing programs and how they can support you throughout the year by joining, volunteering or making a sustaining donation. Date 8 December 2013 8 December 2013 8 December 2013 8 December 2013 8 December 2013 8 December 2013 8 December 2013 8 December 2013 8 December 2013 8 December 2013

Event schedule
LAKSHYA 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 VALORACION PANEL DISCUSSION CARBON TRADER

case study - 10 Teams

live project - 5 teams





The B-Plan - 2013

Option 1: Participants will have to conceptualize a B-Plan based on a list of
technologies available. Option 2: The participants will be provided with a list of entrepreneurs who have business ideas but without an appropriate structure/documentation of

project/plan. Participants are required to analyse the plan and help in

converting into executable idea. Reimbursement of Rs1500/- per participant. Price Amount Rs15000/-

Team members may range from 2 ~4.

Post event activity

Thank you mail.

Ensure feedback form to be filled by Alums within 1 week.

Appreciation to volunteers , faculty, supporting staff De-briefing meeting to analyse what went wrong and what went right Learnings for future

Thank You

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