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A branch stem bearing leaves which are specialized to carry on reproduction.
A leaf that surrounds a flower may be an ordinary leaf or bracteole.

Bracts surround or enclose a flower cluster

Flower stalk a stem which supports the flower in a

favorable position for pollination.
When it bears a single flower or a cluster of flowers it is known as a peduncle.

In. a flower clusters the individual stalks are termed as pedicles.

The Parts of a Typical Flower

1. Perianth or the Floral Envelope made up of the following parts:

a. Sepals (collectively called calyx)

* protects the inner parts of the flower before the bud opens

b. Petals (collectively called corolla)

* to attract insects as agent of pollination

Nectaries sugar secreting glands

Ethereal oils aromatic odors

Two parts: a. lamina flattened showy portion
b. claw posterior constricted part attached to the receptacle

A. Stamen
Male reproductive part of the flower Collectively constitute the androecium

Parts of the stamen:

A. filament a stalk which supports the anther

B. anther contains pollen sacs within which pollen grains are formed.

B. Pistil
Collectively constitute the gynoecium female reproductive structure. Parts: * ovary contains the ovules in a cavity called locule * style - stalk arising from the ovary * stigma tip of the style Each unit of the pistil is a called carpel.

Types of Flower
A. According to the presence or absence of some floral parts: 1. Complete flowers all floral parts are present (perianth and essential) 2. Incomplete missing floral parts a. apetalous missing petals b. naked if both perianth parts are absent

B. According to sexuality: 1. Perfect flowers both stamen and pistil are present.
2. Imperfect flowers if only stamen or pistil is present. * Staminate or male flower * Pistillate or female flower

C. Accdg. To the presence of essential parts:

1. Monoecious if pistillate and staminate flowers are produced in the same individual

2. Dioecious pistillate and staminate flowers are found in separate individuals

Physiology of the Flower

Environmental factors that control the flowering of angiosperms:

1. Photoperiod response of plants to length of day. 2. Temperature 3. Moisture 4. Soil nutrient 5. Amount of crowding

Groups of plants based on photoperiodism:

1. Short-day plants or Long-night plants those which flower only if the day length is reduced below a certain critical value.

2. Long-day plants or Short-night plants those which flower only if the day length exceeds a certain critical value

3. Day-neutral plants bear flowers upon reaching a certain age or size, irrespective of day length.

Many flowering plants are dependent upon exposure to very low temperature while others require high temperatures.

Is the cold treatment of germinating seeds in order to hasten subsequent flowering.

Kinds of pollination:
1. Self-pollination transfer of pollens from stamen to the stigma of the same flower or individual or between flowers of plants of the same genetic characteristics.

2. Cross-pollination transfer of pollens from the stamen to the stigma of another flower or between plants of different genetic characters.

Agents of pollination:
Insects insect pollinated flowers are called entomophilous.
Wind wind pollinate flowers are called anemophilous. Animals Man

Characteristics of insect pollinated flowers:

* Large, brightly colored petals * Often sweetly scented
* Usually contain nectar * Moderate quantity of pollen

* Pollen often sticky or spiky * Anthers firm and inside flowers

* Stigma are located inside the flowers * Stigma has sticky coating

Characteristics of wind pollinated flowers:

* Small petals, often brown or dull green * No scent

produce in great quantities

* Pollen

* No nectar
* Pollen very light and smooth * Anthers loosely attached and dangle out * Stigma hangs outside the flower * Stigma feathery or net like


A mature ovary of a flower including its one or more seeds and any part of a flower which may be closely associated with the matured ovary.

The ovary wall thickens and ripens into the pericarp.

Three distinct parts of pericarp: a. exocarp outermost part (skin)

b. mesocarp middle part

c. endocarp innermost part

Seeds are mature ovules.

Parts of the seed:

1. Embryo rudimentary plant which develop from the zygote.
2. Endosperm develops from the daughter nuclei of the endosperm nucleus and serves as food storage tissue. 3. Seed coat develop from the integuments of the ovule.

Layers of the seed coat:

a. Testa outer seed coat derived from the outer integument of the ovule which is usually hard. b. Tegmen inner coat derived from the inner integument which is usually thin filmy membrane.

External features of th seed coat:

a. Hilum a scar which marks the place where the seed broke off from the stalk (funiculus)

b. Raphe a ridge formed by the stalk of the ovule and present only in ovules in which the funiculus is sharply bent at the base of the ovule.

c. Micropyle microscopic pore of the seed. d. Chalaza the region at the upper end of the raphe opposite the micropyle where the funiculus spreads out and unites with the base of the ovule (proximal end of the seed)


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