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TodaysGoals New to the Model

Logistics (Safety, Restroom, Breaks etc.) Network with others Awareness of the RISC Model Identify Your Current Status on the RISC Continuum What is a Shared Vision Have Fun with cool tools and processes!

Parking Lot A tool that gives us honest real time feedback

Plus/Delta Questions BreakThrough Moment

Clock Activity A tool that allows us to stay awake and network with others
Draw a clock on a sheet of paper Label 12,3,6,9 oclock Set up appointments with interesting looking strangers

RISC Model scoring guide

I need to know more about the QSM. I am aware of the QSM, but I need to understand all the components I understand the QSM and have implemented some of the components, (example: BIM and Continuous Improvement) but I want to know how to use all the components more consistently. I have been using the QSM and want to help others understand and use the QSM.

What do you already know about the RISC Model?

This Week Agenda

What is the RISC Model? What is a Shared Vision? What is Systemic Leadership? Why a Standards-Based System? What does Continuous Improvement look like? What are some cool tools and processes that you can take back to help improve your schools?

Consensogram How committed are you being here?

Quick survey on how people feel about an issue Use sticky notes with no names to be more authentic Determine what we want to measure (How committed are folks to being here?) Discuss how this can set the tone for the training (moral purpose, burning issues etc.)

Affinity Chart What are the characteristics of high performing system and why do we need to move in that direction?

CRIS Using QSM Self-Assessment tool score your organizationally on shared vision and what steps would you need to move forward?
Clarify the task Reflect individually Impact on your system Share with your partner

What is the RISC Model?

Shared Vision Leadership Standards-Based Design Continuous Improvement

When did this all start? Chugach Profile 1994

REAA school district which covers 22,000 square miles Unemployment = 52.3% Poverty level = 75.7% 90% of our students could not read at grade level One college graduate in 20 years 50% teacher attrition rate

Gee, where to start? First of all my mother is an alcoholic and drug user shes been doing this as long as I can remember. Now I find myself following in her steps even though I know I dont need to, I continue to go along with it.
Anchorage House Student

Obstacles to High Achievement 1994
Unhealthy Family/Community Student Apathy Lack of Parental Involvement Lack of Meaningful Curriculum Specific Needs of Students Funding No Site Plan Poor Professional Development Teacher Burnout

Important questions we asked ourselves in 1994!

According to current test scores how are our students doing? What happens to our students once they leave our K-12 system? What will students need to know in the 21st century? If needed, how do we change our current system to meet the needs of all students?

What skills do our students need for the 21st century?

What is CSDs Shared Vision and what evidence can you find to support we do things better?
Individual needs of students Personal / Social development School to life transition Technology Basic skills Accountability/Quality Schools Model

In the video how does the Chugach School District address the Shared Vision?
Individual needs of students Personal / Social development School to life transition Technology Basic skills Accountability

In regards to Shared Vision what did you learn that can help your organization?

What is Systemic Leadership and how do I grow it?

Shared Vision Leadership Standards-Based Design Continuous Improvement

CRIS Using RISC Individual Self-Assessment tool what are your strengths and OFIs as a Leadership?
Clarify the task Reflect individually Impact on your system Share with your partner

CRIS How does your organization define, measure and report leadership ? Clarify the task Reflect individually Impact on your system Share within your group

How can I use the Chugach Leadership chart to guide myself and others?

In regards to Leadership what did you learn that can help your organization?

CRIS Using RISC Organization Self-Assessment tool what are your strengths and OFIs for Standards-Based Design?
Clarify the task Reflect individually Impact on your system Share with your partner

Why a Standards-Based System and what are the four components?

Shared Vision Leadership Standards-Based Design Continuous Improvement

Models of Implementing Standards

Approaches that rely on external assessments eg. Alaska Exit Exam Approaches that use core courses eg. course grades tied to standards Approaches that rely on projects, exhibitions, and portfolios eg.score on science fair project Approaches that redesign their system to meet the needs of every student eg. restructuring the systems

Effective Instruction

Relevant Standards

Meaningful Reporting

Multiple Assessments

CRIS Model
Read through the standards, assessment and reporting packets and share one thing you can take back.

Clarify the task Reflect individually Impact on your system Share within your group

In regards to Standards-Based System what did you learn that can help your organization?

What does Continuous Improvement look like?

Shared Vision Leadership Standards-Based Design Continuous Improvement

CRIS Using QSM Self-Assessment tool what are your strengths and OFIs for Continuous Improvement?
Clarify the task Reflect individually Impact on your system Share with your partner

Chugach School District Standardized Test Scores Comparison

*All scores are National Percentile

CAT Testing 1994/1995 1995/1996

Total Reading 28.4% 43.5% 56.0%

Total Language 26.5% 44.2%

Total Math 35.6% 54.3%

Total Spelling 22.0% 32.0%

1997/1998 1998/1999

59.6% 71.9%

65.8% 78.1%

46.0% 65.0%


What was one aha and what can you take with you to build a better organization Clarify: the question or topic Reflect: individually Impact: on you and your system Share: your thoughts within your group

Re-Inventing Schools Coalition (RISC)

Re-inventing educational systems with Bob Marzano Doing the right things in the right way 1,000 districts 1,000,000 kids 18 districts/organizations to date join us in Anchorage Aug 8-12 with over 400 educators

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