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Mission of The Coca Cola Company

The Mission of the Coca-Cola Company is to increase shareowner value over time. The Company over

accomplished the by working with its business partners to deliver satisfaction and value to customers an consumers through a world wide system of superior brands and services, thus increasing brand equity on a global basis.

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Vision of coca-cola company

To achieve sustainable growth, we have established a vision with clear goals. Profit: Maximizing return to share owns







responsibilities. People: Being a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be Portfolio: Being to the world a portfolio of beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy peoples desires and needs. Partners: Nurturing a winning network of partners and building mutual loyalty. Planet : Being a responsible global citizen that makes a difference.

Needs. Wants. Demands.

Needs - states of felt deprivation including physical needs for food, social needs for belonging and individual needs for selfexpression. i.e. I am thirsty. Wants - form that a human need takes as shaped by culture and individual personality. i.e. I want a Coca-Cola. Demands - human wants backed by buying power. i.e. I have money to buy a Coca-Cola.


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Marketing means A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.

Marketing creating customer value and satisfaction Coca Cola long the worlds leading soft drink delivers on the simple but enduring promise, Always Coca Cola always thirst quenching always god with food, always cool always a part of our life. These and other highly successful companies know that if they take care of their customers, market share and profits will follow.

We know marketing is all around us we see marketing in the

advertising that fill own television soon, magazines and mail box. Marketing more than any other business function, deals with customers creating customer value and satisfaction are the heart of modern marketing thinking and practice, marketing is the delivery of customer satisfaction at a profit. The two fold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep

current customer by delivering satisfaction.

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Market Segmentation
Market consists of buyers and buyers differ in one or more ways, they may differ in their wants, resources location, buying attitude etc. each buyer is potentially a separate market. Ideally, a seller must design a separate marketing program for each buyer.

Most sellers face large no. of small buyers and do not final complete segmentation worth while instead; they look for brand classes of buyers who differ in their product needs or buying responses.

Types of Segmentation:1 Geographic segmentation:Dividing market by its geographical limits does it. For example dividing the market as rural market urban market, International

market, domestic market etc.

2 Demographic segmentation:It is done because of population of a particulars state of a country.

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3 Psychographics segmentation:It is done because of taste, chose in company preferences, psychology etc.

4 Behavioral segmentation:It is bone because of the behavior of the consumer.


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Market Targeting

Marketing targeting involves evaluating each markets segment attractiveness and selecting one or more segment to enter. ACompany should target segments in which it can generate the greatest consumer value and sustain it overtime. ACompany with L.T.D. resources might decide to save only one or a few special segments.

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Once the company has decided on its overall competitive marketing strategy, it is ready to being planning the details of the marketing mix. The marketing mix is one of the major concepts in modern marketing. We define marketing mix as the set of controllable tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target marketing. The marketing mix consists of everything the firm can do to influence the demand for its product. The many possibilities can be collected into four groups of variables known as the Four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. Figure 5-6

shows the particular marketing tools under each P.


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PRODUCT Product variety Quality Features Brand name Size Services Warranties Returns

PRICE List piece Discounts Allowance Payment period Credit terms

Target Customers Intended Positioning

PROMOTION Advertising Personal selling Sales promotion Public relations

PLACE Channels Coverage Assortments Locations Inventory Transportation Logistics


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Advertisement is important to introduce the product in the market. Advertisement is the channel of information for consumer advertising is long term channel which gives benefit in long time when product advertise is very attractive then it affect the consumer to purchase there product. Advertising makes purchasing easy for

consumer. Advertisements prove that the particular brand will be

better than other brand of same goods. Today without advertising products sale is very difficult TV Channels, Radios, Posters, News Papers, Bill Broads are the main way of advertising.


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In India coke give advertising with help of super stars of films and player like Amir Khan, Aishwarya Rai, Salman Khan, Vivek Obroy , Rajwardhan Rathod etc. who are the best super stars of the bollywood and every person attract by them and they gives different

messages in their adds about the products.

In the year 2005 Coke select in their add shooter Raj Vardhan who is shooter of India who win many medal in their shooting game

and attract all Indians with their game and coke selected him in their
add and he attract the cokes consumers also with their thoughts. Obray ,Aishwarya Rai, Virendra Shwag, Amir Khan, Hritik Roshan and Raj Wardhan Rathod came with Coca Cola add.

Today Coca -

Cola has become the latest company to use an

umbrella advertising coma ping to support its portfolio of brand. After all how many consumers know that Coca Cola was 67.4 billion in a recent inter brand study owns the fanta minute maid and

miler brands in addition to the anonymous brown fizzy drink with

its lemon lim and diet varmints. The advertising which uses the banner A world refreshment bring so gebher all of the iconic cocke bottle. This campaign aim to tells consumers that Coca cola products health drinks such as orange juice and water.

Brand ambassadors:-

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Hritik roshan (actor)

-Aish (actress) -Aamir khan (actor) SALES PROMOTION

Short term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service. Consumer Promotion Tools The main consumer promotion tools include sample, coupons,

cash, refunds, price packs, premiums, advertising specialties,

patronage rewards, point of purchase displays and demonstrations and contests, sweepstakes and games. Sample A small amount of a product offered to consumers for trail. Samples are offers of a trial amount of a product. Sampling is the most expensive way to introduce a new product.


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