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Third World Films

By Demi Mason

What is a third world film?

Third Cinema is a political, social and cultural project whose principles have guided filmmakers throughout the regions of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It has a low budget and symbolizes a depressed society. The term Third Cinema reflects its origins, which generally refers to those nations located in Africa, Asia, and Latin America where historical encounters with colonial and imperial forces have shaped their economic and political power structures. Third Cinema questions structures of power, particularly colonialism and its legacies. It aims for liberation of the oppressed, whether this oppression is based on gender, class, race, religion, or ethnicity. They engage identity and communities within nations and small populations who have left their home/countries because of exile, persecution, or economic migration. They reveal the hidden struggles of women, impoverished classes, indigenous groups, and minorities.

What are the conventions of a third world film?

They involve real world problems and real life issues that most people can relate to. Realism represents real life issues, for instance, poverty. The style of the film is gritty and rough. Its usually handheld. The use of vibrant colours are present, they reflect on the landscape being shown. Deprived. Multicultural. The film poster conventions are usually unique. Subvert, and challenges are shown throughout. The layout shows a lot of text and images Show struggle and depression.

How is a third world film funded?

The funding of third world films tend to be low budgeted and handheld, not much technology is used for the editing or making.

How are third world films distributed?

They are usually distributed through festivals. If well known and popular then they get shown in Art house cinemas which are neiche.

How are the third world films marketed?

Third world films are marketed in a variety of ways. They get marketed by; festivals, posters being released, a trailer, YouTube videos and word of mouth.

How are they different to Hollywood films?

Hollywood films are artificial and edited. They have happy storylines that most people tend to not relate to as much. They have a evident genre. Theyre English. Adheres the film poster conventions.

How are they different to British indie films?

Third world films are multicultural. They require more vibrant and right colours. The countrys used are more hotter and require and more bright landscape and area that in a dark and dull place like in British indie films.

City of God
By Demi Mason

Landsca pe

Unknown actors

Slogan Vibrant colours Multicultural Rough area The genre of the film isn't clear

True StoryRelatable

Basic text

This shows that the storyline is relatable to the audience.

This screenshot shows landscape and vibrant colours. This reflects on the region and creates a mood.

This screenshot also shows vibrant colours, this shows where it is situated and therefore reflects on the region.

This shows romance and relationships. This stands for a real life occurrence that the audience can relate to.

This screenshot shows rivalries and gangsters fighting against each other. These look like enemies due to the way they are separated on each side of the screen.

These screenshots all represent crime and fighting. It shows there are gangs up against other gangs and criminals involved in the film.

This screenshot shows poverty, the region they live and how desperate they are for money.

Lastly this screenshot shows the gritty style that third world films hold. They are not the greatest of quality's and very pastel colours are used, with vibrant colours in contrast.

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