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Summer Training


Training Description
The training given by SOFCON INDIA PVT LTD, NOIDA introduces the basic hardware and software components of a Programmable Controller (PLC), a brief introduction of Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA), and Mat Lab (Maths Laboratory). Training was held at NORTHERN INDIA ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Shastri Park from 18 June,2012 to 28 June,2012.

The training details in the architecture and basic instruction set common to all PLCs. Basic programming techniques and logic designs are covered. This training describes the operating features of the PLC, the advantages of the PLC over hard-wired control systems, practical applications, troubleshooting and maintenance of PLCs.

Advantages of PLCs
Less wiring.

Wiring between devices and relay contacts are done in the PLC program. Easier and faster to make changes. Trouble shooting aids make programming easier and reduce downtime. Reliable components make these likely to operate for years before failure.

Programmable Logic Controllers

( Definition according to NEMA standard ICS3-1978)

A digitally operating electronic apparatus which uses a programming memory for the internal storage of instructions for implementing specific functions such as logic, sequencing, timing, counting and arithmetic to control through digital or analog modules, various types of machines or process.

Leading Brands Of PLC

AMERICAN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Allen Bradley Gould Modicon Texas Instruments General Electric Westinghouse Cutter Hammer Square D

EUROPEAN 1. Siemens 2. Klockner & Mouller 3. Festo 4. Telemechanique

Major Components of a Common PLC


Pushbuttons, contacts, limit switches, etc.





Solenoids, contactors, alarms etc.


I/O Module
The I/O interface section of a PLC connects it to

external field devices. The main purpose of the I/O interface is to condition the various signals received from or sent to the external input and output devices. Input modules converts signals from discrete or analog input devices to logic levels acceptable to PLCs processor. Output modules converts signal from the processor to levels capable of driving the connected discrete or analog output devices.



Allen-Bradley 1746-1A16 L1 L2
I= Input I:2

Module slot # in rack

Module Terminal # Address I:2.0/0


PLC Operation
Basic Function of a Typical PLC

Read all field input devices via the input interfaces, execute the user program stored in application memory, then, based on whatever control scheme has been programmed by the user, turn the field output devices on or off, or perform whatever control is necessary for the process application. This process of sequentially reading the inputs, executing the program in memory, and updating the outputs is known as scanning.

PLC Communications
Serial Communications PLC communications facilities normally provides serial transmission of information.

Common Standards
RS 232 Used in short-distance computer communications, with the majority of computer hardware and peripherals. Has a maximum effective distance of approx. 30 m at 9600 baud.

RS 422 / RS 485
Used for longer-distance links, often between several PCs in a distributed system. RS 485 can have a maximum distance of about 1000 meters.

PLC Status Indicators

Power On
Run Mode Programming Mode



Normally Open (NO)

Normally Closed (NC)

Power flows through these contacts when they are closed. The normally open (NO) is true when the input or output status bit controlling the contact is 1. The normally closed (NC) is true when the input or output status bit controlling the contact is 0.


Coils represent relays that are energized when power flows to them. When a coil is energized it causes a corresponding output to turn on by changing the state of the status bit controlling the output to 1. That same output status bit maybe used to control normally open or normally closed contact anywhere in the program.



Each rung or network on a ladder program represents a logic operation. In the rung above, both inputs A and B must be true (1) in order for the output C to be true (1).

Rung C

In the rung above, it can be seen that either input A or B is be true (1), or both are true, then the output C is true (1).

Rung C

In the rung above, it can be seen that if input A is be true (1), then the output C is true (0) or when A is (0), output C is 1.

Supervisory Control
Graphics and Batch processing


Data Acquisition
Archiving, Logging, Access Control, Alarms

Distributed database Data Server Data Server PLCs Field Bus

Control Programs

What, Where and Why

What is SCADAand where is it used
Supervisory Controls And Data Acquisition Application area :
Industrial processes: chemical, power generation and distribution, metallurgy, Nuclear processes: reactors, nuclear waste, ... Experimental physics: Tokamaks, HEP laboratories

Application size:
20 K I/O to 450 K I/O, two examples of 1 M I/O under development

Why SCADA systems were evaluated for LHC SLC ?

Reduction of resources CERN policy of outsourcing

Distributed Control
Advantages: Distributed databases/ programs created from a single development environment (also in front end processor) Distributed access Distributed diagnostic Display everything everywhere Disadvantages: None of the DC systems are compatible to each other Difficult: Integration of various field bus components

A SCADA system performs four functions: 1. Data acquisition 2. Networked data communication 3. Data presentation 4. Control
These functions are performed by four kinds of SCADA components: 1. Sensors (either digital or analogue) and control relays that directly interface with the managed system. 2. Remote telemetry units (RTUs). These are small computerized units deployed in the field at specific sites and locations. RTUs serve as local collection points for gathering reports from sensors and delivering commands to control relays. 3. SCADA master units. These are larger computer consoles that serve as the central processor for the SCADA system. Master units provide a human interface to the system and automatically regulate the managed system in response to sensor inputs. 4. The communications network that connects the SCADA master unit to the RTUs in the field.

Data Acquisition
SCADA system needs to monitor hundreds or thousands of sensors. Sensors measure: 1. Inputs and outputs e.g. water flowing into a reservoir (input), valve pressure as water is released from the reservoir (output). 2. Discrete inputs (or digital input) e.g. whether equipment is on or off, or tripwire alarms, like a power failure at a critical facility. 3. Analogue inputs: where exact measurement is important e.g. to detect continuous changes in a voltage or current input, to track fluid levels in tanks, voltage levels in batteries, temperature and other factors that can be measured in a continuous range of input. For most analogue factors, there is a normal range defined by a bottom and top level e.g. temperature in a server room between 15 and 25 degrees Centigrade. If the temperature goes outside this range, it will trigger a threshold alarm. In more advanced systems, there are four threshold alarms for analogue sensors, defining Major Under, Minor Under, Minor Over and Major Over alarms.

Data Communication
A communications network is required to monitor multiple systems from a central location. TREND: put SCADA data on Ethernet and IP over SONET. SECURITY: Keep data on closed LAN/WANs without exposing sensitive data to the open Internet. Encode data in protocol format (use open, standard protocols and protocol mediation) Sensors and control relays cant generate or interpret protocol communication - a remote telemetry unit (RTU) is needed to provide an interface between the sensors and the SCADA network. RTU encodes sensor inputs into protocol format and forwards them to the SCADA master; RTU receives control commands in protocol format from the master and transmits electrical signals to the appropriate control relays.

Data Presentation
SCADA systems report to human operators over a master station, HMI (Human-Machine Interface) or HCI (HumanComputer Interface). SCADA master station has several different functions: continuously monitors all sensors and alerts the operator when there is an alarm presents a comprehensive view of the entire managed system, presents more detail in response to user requests performs data processing on information gathered from sensors maintains report logs and summarizes historical trends.

MATLAB Introduction

In Windows systems MATLAB is started by double-clicking the mouse on the appropriate icon.

What is Matlab?

Matlab is basically a high level language which has many specialized toolboxes for making things easier for us

How high?


High Level Languages such as C, Pascal etc.


Matlab Screen
Command Window type commands Current Directory View folders and m-files Workspace View program variables Double click on a variable to see it in the Array Editor Command History view past commands save a whole session using diary

MATLAB includes hundreds of functions for:

Data analysis and visualization, Numeric and symbolic computation, Engineering and Scientific graphics, Modeling, simulation, and prototyping, Eigen value, singular value

No need for types. i.e.,
int a; double b; float c;

All variables are created with double precision unless specified and they are matrices.
Example: >>x=5; >>x1=2;

After these statements, the variables are 1x1 matrices with double precision

Generating Vectors from functions

zeros(M,N) MxN matrix of zeros

x = zeros(1,3) x = 0 0 0 x = ones(1,3) x = 1 1 1 x = rand(1,3) x = 0.9501 0.2311 0.6068

ones(M,N) MxN matrix of ones

rand(M,N) MxN matrix of uniformly distributed random numbers on (0,1)

Use of M-File
Click to create a new M-File

Extension .m A text file containing script or function or program to run

Use of M-File

Save file as Denem430.m

If you include ; at the end of each statement, result will not be shown immediately

MATLAB has remarkable graphics capacities:

2-D and 3-D plots, Line plotting, 3-D surface plot, Splash screen plot, Plot of complex functions and ...

MATLAB has remarkable graphics capacities, 3_D plots are some of them:
3-D plots in Handel Graphics Plot Type, Shading, Colomap, Axis and ...

MATLAB has many toolboxes:

Signal Processing toolbox is one of the important toolbox in MATLAB. Designing Filter, Filtering a Signal, Discrete and Continuous Fourier Transform, Spectral Analysis and ...

Simulink has the ability to simulate a large range of systems, from very simple to extraordinarily complex. The Model and demonstrations that you will see in this section include both simple and complex systems.

We are greatly thankful to SOFCON INDIA PVT LTD for conducting this training in our college (NIEC) from 18 June,2012 to 28 June,2012

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