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Cell Organelles

Eukaryotic Cells

Cell Parts
Cells the basic unit of life Organelles - small structures inside a cell with specific functions.

Analogy City of Rocklin

A) Cell Membrane/Plasma

Cell membrane

1. Function: Regulates materials entering and exiting the cell. 2. Structure: Two layers of phospholipids, proteins

Analogy Rocklin city limits

B) Cytoplasm

1. Function: All cell contents that lie between the cell membrane and the nucleus. (organelles + cytosol) a. Cytosol = liquid portion/non-organelles. 2. Structure: made up of fluid and organelles except for nucleus

Analogy All air, water, life that are in Rocklin, except City Hall

C) Nucleus

1. Function: Control Center. Regulates DNA & RNA actions. 2. Structure: membrane bound, contains DNA

Analogy City Hall

D) Nuclear Envelope
Nuclear Envelope

1. Function: Regulates what enters or exits the nucleus. 2. Structure: Double Layer of Lipids

Analogy Walls & Doors of City Hall

E) Nucleolus

1. Function: Produces RNA, which are used to make all proteins. 2. Structure: Inside Nucleus, separate from DNA

Analogy The Mayor

F) DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid

DNA (chromatin)

1. Function: information on how to make proteins.

a. Chromatin unorganized DNA (normal state) b. Chromosomes organized DNA (present before cell division

2. Structure: Made up of nucleotides, locked in the nucleus Analogy The Laws or City Code

G) Endoplasmic Reticulum
Rough ER

Smooth ER

1. Function: Transportation route for proteins.

a. Rough ER: has ribosomes

b. Smooth ER: no ribosomes

2. Structure: tubes and channels

Analogy Roads & Sidewalks

H) Ribosomes
Ribosomes Free Ribosomes

1. Function: Makes proteins. 2. Structure: small circular organelles

Analogy Restaurants, Factories, Builders.

I) Vacuoles & Vesicles


1. Function: Storage for water, nutrients or waste. 2. Structure: small membrane-bound organelle.

Analogy Grocery stores, water tanks.

J) Lysosomes

1. Function: packets of enzymes that break down materials in a cell. 2. Structure: Small membrane-bound organelles

Analogy Recycling center

K) Mitochondria

1. Function: Produce energy for the cell site of cellular respiration. The Powerhouse 2. Structure: Double membrane-bound, kidney shaped.

Analogy PG&E

L) Golgi Apparatus

Golgi Apparatus

1. Function: Packages, labels and ships proteins out of the cell. 2. Structure: Pancake-shaped layered organelle

Analogy Post Office

M) Cytoskeleton


1. Function: Provide support and structure for the cell.

a. Microfilaments

b. Microtubules

2. Structure: Tubules

Analogy Wood, cement, steel beams

N) Centrioles (Animals Only)


1. Function: microtubules that help divide the cell during cell division. Structure: Tubules

Analogy Rocklin High School vs. Whitney High School

O) Cilia & Flagella

Flagella Flagella Cilia

1. Function: provides movement for the cell or objects moving by the cell. 2. Structure:
a. Flagella 1 long fiber b. Cilia many short fibers

Analogy Cars or bicycles.

P) Chloroplasts (Plants only)


1. Function: site of photosynthesis (converting sun and CO2 into sugar). 2. Structure: Membrane bound organelles that contain chlorophyll

Analogy Solar Panels

Q) Cell Wall (Plant cells only)

Cell Wall

1. Function: Provides support for the cell and the plant. 2. Structure: Made of cellulose

Analogy ground, rock wall

Cell Parts Analogy

Create an analogy (besides the city analogy) for the cell and its parts Possible ideas:
Stadium School Country Restaurant House Mall Waterpark

Stadium Example:
Cell membrane: wall of stadium, gates Cytoplasm: everything inside the stadium. Nucleus: the control room for the stadium. Etc

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