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Two examples of TQM

Texas Telecom

KFC - Quality service and cleanliness - Operational facility review program

Cost of quality - has of late become the most important issue in quality management .This is because of the increasing investments of company in quality philosophies and models .

Costs of Quality
Appraisal Costs

External Failure Costs

Costs of Quality

Prevention Costs

Internal Failure Costs

Prevention cost
The cost associated with all activites that help in prevention of defects The various types of prevention costs are 1) Marketing/customer related prevention cost Eg : QFD ,market research 2) Design related prevention cost Eg :prototype designing and testing . 3) Purchasing related prevention cost Eg : supplier capability review , PO review 4) Operations related prevention cost Eg : SPC , capability reviews ,calibration 5) Administrative costs related to prevention Eg : Salary of quality personnel, miscellaneous expenses in quality dept .

Appraisal cost
If a quality problem cannot be prevented, the next best is detection .Cost associated with this is appraisal cost . Various types of appraisal cost : Appraisal cost relating to purchasing inspection of raw materials , cost of instruments /gauges used . Operations related appraisal cost cost of inspection/quality, audits on work process ,cost of carrying out SPC, testing etc Appraisal cost related to field trials-field trails of complex products on installation sites ,cost related to environmental and reliability testing . Inspection data review cost before dispatching items to customers support department quality evaluations- warehouse, packaging , shipping etc

Internal Failure costs

Relate to failure of product to meet customer specification prior to its dispatch to customer Types Design related internal failure costs cost related to correction of product design after being released to production .

Material purchasing related internal failure costs cost of disposing, handling and transporting incoming inspection rejects. It includes cost of replacement of inspection rejects .The cost of undertaking corrective action and so on . Operations related internal failure cost These include cost related to product review, corrective action and disposition of non conforming products .

External Failure costs

Costs incurred by the company after the product has been delivered to the company /customer and fails at customer end. Types : cost of responding and resolving customer complaints. Sales opportunities lost . Loss of goodwill on part of customers Costing pertaining to warranty claims Cost of recall and repair. Penalties due to breaching governments rules/contracts with customers

Total Quality Management

A philosophy that involves everyone in an organization in a continual effort to improve quality and achieve customer satisfaction.

Elements of TQM
Continual improvement Competitive benchmarking Employee empowerment Team approach Decisions based on facts Knowledge of tools Supplier quality Quality at the source


TQM & organizational Cultural Change

Traditional Approach Lack of communication TQM

Open communications
Empowerment Prevention

Control of staff
Inspection & fire fighting Internal focus on rule

External focus on customer

Continuous improvement Co-operative relations

Stability seeking
Adversarial relations Allocating blame

Solving problems at their roots

Twelve characteristics of Quality leaders

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