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Changing the way we see the universe

All models, take a needle, can stand as a model of Universe. Debate is war simulation, where you are made to innovate. Seeing multi modelability of models, we see that we can make more out of less, hence making necessary the change in meaning of wealth.

Barry Schwartz Talk

Its explicit here that language, really isnt natural mode of communication betn humans, its wisdom thats more important than rules. The lines he spoke, if you read betn them, then only u get the true meaning and virtue of his thoughts.

In this language ruled world, where rules are the walls we have built around us for our identity, those same walls have caged us.This reminds me of Tagores poem- Reconnect With Nature (Buckys synergy) Appreciate all perspectives (in a country where freedom to speech is known to have been tampered with, WE NEED THIS!!

During emergency, army resorts to synergetic techiques for max efficiency. When wright bros flew, all engg socs were tryin 2 prove it was a hoax, our philosopies are ruled by words-birds can fly and man cant. Why is this leap not logical? How to make it logical? The defn of natural is what we find around ourselves in our time. It should

Curvd is path of language logic according to which, upcoming changes are unnatural. The st. line is natural consistency, how to deduce this st. line????

Jonah Lehrer on outside intelligence in solving insight problem native intell. Cant solve. Thos tells us that the borders we hv created are not the borders, we complete the picture if we see the problem from a different perspective. Jews have lived as rebels and they have most nobels too, because they saw probs differently.

Reality Tunnels
The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. William James

The Future
Whenever some object which you focus on, just vanishes, you are left shocked. You introspect for the better.And often its better, we should get over with our obsession with objects. Next Step? Innovate, Rethink, Unschool are the 3 on-fire words now, right? They ask you to break all categories and look things from a new perspective- find a better perspective to do things, creatively.

I just want to let you know that the answer lies in front of us, but we dont SEE it. Everyone has different perspectives here! Why not ask them and just make a picture of the problem?

If you love Math, why do you do so? Because such a small representation has a hundred different possibilities hidden inside it. Perception plays a huge role in using Math. What if you could look at the Millenium problem, check out all the perspectives to complete the picture of the problem and leave it to logical analyzing to manipulate the math and solve the problem.(This model of thinking is what I follow).

We dont understand each others perspectives very easily. If we couldve understood each other so easily, then the world could be a better place. We dont see the full picture if we bind ourselves to one reality tunnel. The mission is too actually SEE a picture being created as different perspectives collaborate with each other.

Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligences tell us about differently abled people, who see the same world and interpret it so differently. We are also dealing with blind peoples perspectives and how are they different.

Scott E Page
Scott Page has brought to our attention a practically important proposition: diversity of viewpoints is of the greatest importance in solving the problems that face us individually and collectively. He says Diversity among a group of problem solvers is more important than individual excellence. Scott: Diversity successful doing Disjunctive tasks, not Conjunctive tasks. Real world probs are mixtures.

How did Gauss come up with his theorems? Heuristics (humour) or jumps from logical paths. Changing his perspective fluidly by introspecting. Introspective thinking is the key to thinking from all points of view, as scientists do.

The Existing.
Maths is just a language, to which if perceptual logic is added, leads to beautiful models. Maths explicitly shows Rock Logic ( robotic ), but cant show Water Logic ( perceptual).

We cant find the beauty in the language, but in-our perceptions reflected in the language. We can see Infinite possibilities! Dr. Page adds that when we work in groups, collective wisdom exceeds the sum of its parts. This is the inspiration for Synergetics.

Quest-qe ce Perception?
Perception is a model. Is it knowing ourselves spiritually? Or is it art that is the missing part of the puzzle? Can we model the inside out? Evidently, we always have incomplete data about a situation. Our model (perspective) has a few variables which are needed.Thus we can make decisions using a model.

Quest-qe ce Perspective?
This is where is our biggest challenge and the biggest opportunity. It is NOT the different values given to different domain points in Knowledge. It is something Natural, not learned. Its a way of Nature, its ideal. We see a part of the world once at a time, like that we keep changing our point of view to complete the picture.

What do we do now?
We show the interaction between perceptions (models), .

Logic how to use a language. In logic, connectionism not favoured. Hence, synergy isnt explicitly appreciated. Its these creativity we see all around us that says connectionism rocks!.

Why is representing thought processes so important?

Nature could also give us clues about intermodel interaction. I pray for them! But, dont you find it interesting to represent different people with different perspectives on the same paper. It is Art! And yeah Psychology has a great amount of play in our thing (introspection). So, we want to provide max insight into the process.

Creativity is nothing but a new style of seeing the picture. The person who suggests the most beautiful solution has looked at the problem from all perspectives. Seeing the picture from all sides is and should be obvious. Hence we can increase the chances of getting a creative solution by comfortably turning our perspectives and seeing the same thing from different point of views.. This really SHOWS synergetics more than Fullers theoretical representations.

Rigorous analysis of Bonos Six Thinking as 6 persp. Bring out life from geometry or Bring out geomtry from life.

What we think is lively! To represent statements by geometry, while showing continuity in perspectives. Should show continuity also on diff subs., but not on diff persp.

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