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Middle Ages Architecture

High Creativity

Early Medieval Architecture

Continuation of Roman architecture Domes and windows
Light into the church Openness led to feeling of exaltation

Russian and Eastern Orthodox

Onion domes

Hagia Sophia Interior


Romanesque Architecture

Romanesque Architecture
Heavy thick walls Arches over windows Vaulted ceilings Fortress castles

Romanesque Architecture
Dark Age Churches
Massive walls Difficult to put in large windows Wooden beam construction Baptisteries (often separate)

Norman Castles

High thick fortress walls Stark and foreboding Little decoration Each room had a fireplace Demonstrates power and control

Romanesque Architecture
Exterior decorations Form of Latin cross West entrance and cross to the east Regularity in design Dark due to lack of windows Representational art
Portal Transept Chapels




Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy

Romanesque Architecture
Use of statuary
Tympanum of enthroned Christ

Romanesque Architecture
Use of symbols
Matthew = beast with mans face Mark= lion Luke= ox John= eagle

Gothic Architecture
17th C writers thought the Goths invented the style Meant to be barbarous or rude Began in 1150 in Paris
St. Denis (burials)

Originally only architecture Was also called the "French Style" (Milan) Ended by 1550 but was revived in 1800s (Neogothic)
Buildings (parliament) Literature (Wuthering Heights)

Gothic Architecture
How the Gothic styles works
Concrete and stone Pointed Arches Ribbed vaults distributed force onto pillars

Gothic Architecture
How the Gothic styles works (cont.)
Pillars needed reinforcement
Massive Pillars More weight on top Flying Buttresses

Other gothic churches
Flying buttresses replaced massive pillars More height
Chartres Notre Dame

Gothic Architecture
Notre Dame Flying Buttresses

Reconstruction of St. Denis church
Alliance between Louis VI and Abbot Suger
Regent during 2nd crusade

Wanted the most important religious site in France Site for Pilgrimage

Gothic Architecture
Reconstruction of St. Denis
Combined elements from many styles
Rose Window Pointed Arch Vaults

Gothic Architecture
Reconstruction of St. Denis (cont.)
Combined elements from many styles
Double Ambulatory for Openness High Walls Enlarged Windows

Gothic Architecture
Functional decorations

Gothic Architecture
Cathedral Economics
Several millions dollars Fairs with the cathedral Artisans learned new skills Decorations were donations (guilds)

Gothic Architecture
Other gothic churches
Scripture windows Sainte Chappelle

Gothic Architecture
Contest to have the tallest church

Spire height and church size related to civic pride

Contest with the tallest church Spire height and church size related to civic pride Chartres

Gothic Architecture
Facades became works of art Relief work above doors Statues in nooks Raised towersfeeling of reaching to heaven Ornamentation

Notre Dame

Gothic Architecture
Other countries
English gothic emphasized the perpendicular

English Vertical Gothic Style

Gothic Architecture
German churches were slow in adopting gothic styles
Cologne cathedral

Cathedral at Milan

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