Simple Past - Passado Simples

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Simple Past Passado Simples

Usamos o passado simples para falar de aes e fatos que aconteceram num tempo determinado no passado.
Ex: Last night I went to the theater. I watched a good movie.

Os verbos no passado podem ser regulares: Ex: I watched a good movie. ou irregulares: Ex: Last night I went to the theater.

Regular Verbs
Os verbos regulares so acrescidos de -ed/-d/-ied

Preste ateno nas regras:

Regular Verbs
Para a maioria dos verbos, acrescentamos o sufixo -ed ao final deles. I watched a good movie last night I worked a lot last week We finished the exercise just in time.

Regular Verbs
Quando os verbos j terminarem em -e, acrescentamos apenas o -d I lived in Viosa for 5 years. I loved her very much.

Regular Verbs
Se um verbo terminar em -y e for precedido de uma consoante, necessrio que o y seja retirado e seja acrescentado -ied ao verbo. Ex: try = We tried to finish our report last night. study = We studied a lot for the grammar test

Regular Verbs
Se o verbo terminar em -y e for precedido de uma vogal, acrescenta-se -ed ao verbo normalmente Ex: play = We played really well in the last game. enjoy = We enjoyed the concert a lot.

Regular Verbs
Se o verbo for curto e terminar em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobra-se a consoante final e acrescenta-se -ed.
Ex: stop = I stopped smoking last year. drop = I dropped my keys.

Irregular Verbs
Os verbos irregulares no possuem regras, e precisam ser memorizados.
see-saw = I saw her in the party last night.

buy-bought = My father bought a new car last week

go-went = She went to the USA last October.

come-came = I came to Viosa 5 years ago.

have-had = I had a lot of work to do yesterday.

Simple Past Interrogative and Negative Forms

Negative Form
NEGATIVE: Para fazer a forma negativa, utilizamos o verbo auxiliar did + a palavra not (= didnt). Observe as seguintes frases.

I called you last night. I didn't call you last night.

He wrote to me last month. He didn't write to me last month.

Observe que na forma negativa o verbo principal da frase (em negrito) fica no infinitivo, isto , no sofre alteraes: I didn't call you last night. He didn't write to me last month.

Interrogative Form
INTERROGATIVE: Utilizamos o auxiliar did antes do sujeito:

He closed the door before leaving. Did he close the door before leaving? They woke up in time for school Did they wake up in time for school?

Interrogative Form
Observe que, assim como na negativa, o verbo principal da frase (em negrito) fica no infinitivo , isto , no sofre alteraes: Did he close the door before leaving?

Did they wake up in time for school?

Mais exemplos:
Affirmative: She had a dream last night. He studied French when he was a child. Interrogative: Did she have a dream last night? Did he study French when he was a child? Negative: She didn't have a dream last night. He didn't study French when he was a child.

Para realizarmos respostas pequenas e simples no passado, utilizamos apenas o verbo auxiliar did, sem o principal:
Did you see Joe at the party? No, I didn't. Did it rain on Sunday? Yes, it did. Did Mark come to the party? No, he didn't. Did they have a good vacation? Yes, they did.

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