5 CH 3 Atlantic

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Settling the New World

English Colonies in the 17th century Ch. 3 & 4


Early English settlements along the Chesapeake see p. 68


Chesapeake Area- Virginia

Jamestown - 1607
Virginia Company

Powhatan p. 33 Don Luis & 62

John Smith p. 61 Pocahontas John Rolfe p. 66

Starving Time p. 64
60 of original 500
See chart p. 65

House of Burgess 1619

Powhatan War 1622 p. 68

Mural of Jamestown
This 20th-century mural by Stanley King of the Jamestown settlement in its early years is based on archeological evidence. (Colonial National Historic Park)


John Smiths dictionary

Read about John Smith in the beginning of Ch. 3. Think about what his contributions were to development of a permanent colony. Is he remembered for that or for his writings?


House of Burgess 1619

The first English legislative assembly in the New World, the Virginia House of Burgesses, first met in 1619 in the Jamestown church. Business included the passage of several bills, including laws regulating church attendance. (Library of Congress)


Chesapeake Area-Maryland p. 69
George Calvert - Lord Baltimore 1634
Catholic settlement Margaret Brent Between Virginia & Delaware 1st proprietary colony

Act for Religious Toleration 1649


Chesapeake Colonies


Chesapeake Economy
Tobacco p. 70 Indentured Servants Slaves
See video African Americans see handout Virginia Laws


Indenture Contract


European expansion
Reasons Navigation of the seas Mercantilism Conquest of natives Religious settlements Effects
War among nations Conflict among social classes

Colonial Wars

Bacons Casle built in Surry County Va. Ca 1655 Oldest masonry structure in VA.

Bacons Rebellion 1675-66

Nathaniel Bacon p. 101

Glorious Revolution

European Colonies of the Atlantic Coast, 16071639


European Settlement Overview

1500s Spanish in Florida, New Mexico and Texas 1607 English in Virginia 1608 French in Canada 1621 Dutch in New Netherland 1664 New York 1620-1630 English in Mass (Puritans) 1634 Catholics in Maryland 1663 English in Carolinas 1680s English, Germans, in Pennsylvania 1690s- 1705 French in New Orleans, Mississippi region

Caribbean and Carolina



Caribbean Settlement
Islands claimed by numerous European nations Sugar & Slaves
Recommend book by Richard Dunn Economics of sugar plantations Need for slave labor & indentured servants Trade with other colonies

Biracial Society & slave codes


Early 19th century painting from William Clarks Ten views Found in the Island of Antigua.


Proprietary Colonies
Carolina 1663
p. 97

Charleston Lord Proprietors Fundamental Constitution Rice economy in South Tobacco & naval stores Virginians immigrate


Carolina Proprietors
Edward Hyde of Clarendon George Monck, of Albemarle William Craven John Berkeley William Berkeley George Carteret - Granville Anthony Ashley Cooper John Colleton




New York and Pennsylvania



English take New Amsterdam p. 94

European wars between Netherlands & Britain
Dutch are defeated by the British

Change in Navigation Acts

Eliminated Dutch trade

Duke of York claims all Dutch territory in America

1664 James takes New Amsterdam = New York 1667 Gives New Jersey to Berkeley & Carteret Allowed Dutch to stay and keep their religion Appointed governors ruled colonies 1683 New York gets elected assembly

Review American Landscape p. 95 New York


Proprietary Colonies
Pennsylvania 1681 p. 96 William Penn
Society of Friends Quakers Family settlement on farms Self government

Friendly w Natives


Pennsylvania life

Above Left- reconstructed cabin Center- York Courthouse with stockades Top right 1738 Left : Early eighteenth-century two-story

Pennsylvania log house


Land Occupation
North Carolina
Virginia settlers John Lawson Bath 1705

Georgia - 1732
James Oglethorpe Ft. Frederica

New World Images Special Essay Going to the Source text Ch. 1

blend fact & fiction p. 2 Folklore p. 3 Printing press 1450s Woodcuts & engravings Exaggerated features Image analysis p. 5
Questions p. 7 Who, what, when, where? Chart p. 8-9

John Lawson handout

Explorer, surveyor of NC SC NC 1701 Published 1709

English North American Colonies, c. 1700

Ft. Niagara, NY

Ft. Ligioner, PA
Ft. Fredericka, GA


Colonial Wars & Privateers

Queen Annes War- 1713 Piracy- 1710-1720 Edward Teach Stede Bonnett Anne Bonney Tuscarora War 1711 1713 Yamsees War 1715-1717 King Georges War 1744-48

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