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Looking at Art in a New Way...

Five Types of Art:

Naturalism photo-realistic or hyperrealistic Realistic - representational

Stylized - simplified
Abstract distortion/alteration of objects Non-objective no recognizable objects, purely

using elements and principles of art.

Naturalistic (modern)



Roy Lichtenstein

Art that is not realistic. Exaggerated features.



Q. Which Piece is Non-Objective Art?

A. All of them.

What is Non-Objective Art?

Art that is not representational, containing no recognized

figures or objects.
Art whose subject matter does not resemble an object.

Non-objective art ranges between Abstract Expressionist

artists to Minimalists or Op-artists.

Is it Abstract Art?
A work of art created to NOT represent anything realistic

is called Non-objective.
A non-objective work is not only abstract, it is made up of

some of the Elements of Art without giving any importance to the subject.
Abstract art is using a realistic object and transforming

its appearance.

Who are the non-objective artists?

Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944
Piet Mondrian 1872-1944 Jackson Pollock 1912-1957

Wassily Kandinsky

As one of the first

explorers of the principles of nonrepresentational or pure abstraction. Created the first totally abstract work in modern art.

Composition VI

Wassily Kandinsky
Theorist and Teacher

What shapes are primarily used in his works?

Piet Mondrian
1872-1944 Abstract Style based

on form and color.

Horizontal and Vertical

lines forming rectangles

Piet Mondrian

Jackson Pollock


Surrealism Influence
Picasso Influence


Jackson Pollock
Developed own

Large Scale Spontaneous and


to accent the

appearance, to underline, to put in bold, make something more significant or important. Creating a focal point.

Principle of design Center of Interest

Focal Point
Dominance and

Influence Contrast, Isolation, Location, Convergence and Unusualness

To show emphasis change

Shape Contrast Color Weight


Project Guidelines
Create a non-objective design.
Using a small, circle view-finder, you will look through images and

select an area that has the most interest. Focus on color, line, shapes, composition, and emphasis.

You will re-create the cropped image on paper, resized to

11 inches, using a compass and pencil. Then you will add color with colored pencils. Layer colors to create depth and interest. Remember values: lights and darks. Think of which colors to use for emphasis. Dont focus on the subject of the image. This is supposed to be non-realistic or non-represenational.


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