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System Software & Application Software

System Software?

Controls the operation of a Computer Without system software a computer would not function The most important piece of system software is the Operating System

Systems software
(Operating System)

Application software Users


Operating System:

All the application software communicate with the computer hardware through the Operating System It controls the overall operation of the computer An OS has three main functions:

Manage the computers resources, such as the central

processing unit, memory, disk drives and printers

Establish a user interface Execute and provide services for application software

An Operating System is a computer
program which controls the entire

operation of the computer. Computer

Software applications communicate with the computer hardware via the Operating System. i.e. Windows, DOS, Linux, Unix

Interfaces of OS:

There are two types of Interfaces which an Operating System has:

Command Line Interface (CLI) Graphical User Interface (GUI) / Menu Driven Interface

Features of OS:

Managing communications between software & hardware Allocation of computer memory Allocation of CPU time Run & manage programs Managing files Configure software & Devices Configure Network Coordinating tasks Performance Management Booting

Application Software?

These software designed to use by the users These can be used as a productivity / business tool

A System Software is required to run and manage the Application Software

Application Software consists of programs
designed to perform specific tasks for users. Application Software can be used as a productivity / business tool; to assist with graphics and multimedia projects; to support

home, personal and educational activities

and to facilitate communications.

Types / Categories of AS:

Custom Based Software

Web Based Software Open Source Software Shareware Freeware Public Domain Generic Package Software Educational Software

Educational Software:

Drill and Practice

Simulation Games Problem solving Reference tools

Features: Drill & Practice

Reinforce instruction by providing the repetition necessary to move acquired skills and concepts into long-term memory Capture and students retain the attention of

Save teachers time and efforts

Features: Tutorials
Follow linear programmed instruction or branching design Encourage students to interact, control and response to the program Guide the learner throughout learning from the beginning (Objectives) to the end (Evaluation) Have computer-management capabilities i.e. data collection

Features: Simulations
Involve students into learning process Compress time or slow down processes Save money and resources Make experimentation safe Make impossible situations possible and controllable Let students repeat events as many times as they want

Features: Games
Make learning fun and motivating Motivate learners via the challenge of competition Engage the learner in a situation where the learner is competing for a high score Include elements of adventure and uncertainty Provide different levels of complexity that match players ability

Features: Problem Solving

Stress thinking processes rather than correct answer Expose students to a series of activities that would help teach the desired skills Help students work together in small teams Give students opportunities to see how information applies to actual problems Vary the amount of directions and assistance depending on the each students needs


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