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The Dragon Rock

BY ELLENA ASHLEY Prepared by Afham Hafizi

The story starts with the imagination of the happiness life in a village. On the summer day, the village was in trouble because this summer had been too hot and dry making the lean farm dogs sleepy and still and most importantly, without any rain. Actually, the villages have their favorite spot which is a sleeping dragon but nobody was scared because it ever, ever moved. The villagers have tried their best to wake up the dragon because they know the dragon was brought the luck to give the village back to normal. One day, the dragon wake up and cause the villagers shocked and frightened against the dragon. The villagers try to run to protect themselves from the dragon attack but the dragon gives the lucky day for the villagers because their villages are back to normal. The villagers were very happy and they have been held every year right for the games celebrating the good fortune that has arrived in their village. The children would have the day off school, for it was known as 'Water Dragon Day'.


Group Respond

The Dragon Rock by Ellena Ashley was fantasy story that take us into the imaginary world that be created by the author. This story was about the dragon rock tale. The main characters in this story certainly the dragon rock which was a kind dragon, Mrs Greywhistle as a shopkeeper and the children which children of townsfolk who believe in dragon rock tale. The times setting in this story was in summer then the places setting was in Dragon rock valley. Our group had choose this story because it was awesome and funny. This story was told us about the creativity that the children have. This creativity can be saw when the children had their own plan to wake up the dragon. Even the oldest does not help them but their determination to wake up a dragon to help their village had made them stronger. Other than that, the author also had taken us into the nice imaginary world and fantasy. The dragon was a subject that always be saw in negative side but in this story, dragon was be stated as a hero.

However, this story was quiet confusing because in the beginning of the story the villagers knew the dragon rock was a dragon but its awesome because its a dragon. That was a situation that made us quiet confusing. This dragon rock also had a funny part. Dragon was known as a creature that sprays a fire but in this story the dragon had sneezes! The action that be made by the dragon save the village from summer. Our group also had choose this story because the literary element that its have. This story has literary devices from simile, onomatoepia, parallelism, alliteration, personification and also hyperbole. However the ending in this story was weird to us. This because the villagers had never saw a dragon again like a dragon had went to another world. The moral values that be showed also had attract our group attention. The first thing was about the children, which be knew as the group that knew nothing but had made a big impact. Its told us to show a respect to the potential that children have. Other than that, the cooperation between also the villagers also had made a big change to the village. The dragon rock also told us about the spirit to never give up when face with problem. In this story the villagers had given up when they are tested with drought, but in the other side which was kids, they never did that. They show to us their determination to change the situation but wake up the dragon from sleep. That why we like to choose this story.

This story also told us about the values in life. From the beginning of the story, the reader was carried to imagine the peaceful in that village. Harmony situation along the population, the beautiful place that not contaminated was the ideal situation that everyone hopes. With those things in the introduction, the reader was felt happy and enjoy. Our group also likes this story because the way of telling this story was easy to everyone. Yes, it was not a true story, but the reading level in this story was suitable to every layer of society. We also thought that this story was great, but there should be more god descriptive words in that. Other than that, it also was quite amusing and the flow of story also brings us into an adventure. The dragon rock also was a story that the writer used the bored situation and interesting words in different ways. For example, playful waves and ripples and also hot day was the words that showed the meaning in different way.

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