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The past
History does not explain the contemporary because it is too selective and partial Representation of past are always arbitrary The present is nothing except a representation of the past Habit

The past
History knowledge about the past and the past as such History as knowledge and history as event Modern history
no more providence the French Revolution archives Ethics History as progress

The past
2 views progressive and non-progressive Historicism the past as fundamentally other Plea For the modern view history accounts for the present sure of defamiliarisation It teaches us other ways of doing things

The past
History as conservation, preservation, museification as it carries values of European modernity Conservatism - Edmund Burke Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790)
Civilised national heritage (cultural history) vs. enlightened radical social policy (reason)

The past
- Black armband history Representation of past in contemporary leisure culture a retreat from the difficult, uncertain present or an investment of large resources in preserving the past E.g. golden oldie stations, TV reruns, old movies

The past
History fans antiquarianism (the British and American Civil War) TV documentaries Historical fiction (Barbara Cartland) History and fiction Ground of identity genealogy

The past
Historical a basis of identity for ethnicities and nations - slavery for African Americans, colonisation, the Blitz for Londoners Nostalgia for the past a sign of past weakening The Heritage Industry , cultural memory comercialised modes of presentation an idealised view of the past

The past
History as injury public and private Public the Holocaust, Korean women, the stolen generation US military returning from Vietnam Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Presentism Contemporary the zero through which the future becomes the past, the plenitude in which our lives occur Modernity starts with the French Revolution and the Holocaust or the mythical traditional English village Present relates to the future China will become more powerful The parcel of past time that we recognise as belonging to us now

R. Williams 1. the residual current formations which were inherited from the past but have little future 2. the dominant (formations that control the present) 3. the emergent (formations have not attained the full development and influence)

Relationship between contemporary, youth, fashion and cultural studies The contemporary is changing faster than before? There is no more unified and agreed set of terms to analyse the contemporary

Much info: market research social maps of desire, the geography of crime, economic geographies, electoral boundaries, plant and animal habitats (every surviving individual has a name)

Postmodernism - in the 80s No more coherent stories about society emotional life is deadened The past is endlessly recycled Life is experienced ironically No more faith in progress Reality vanishes and becomes intertwined with the imaginary

Modernism V. Woolf human nature changed around 1910 Modernism - a break with realism towards experimentation A less moralistic attitude towards sexuality new relations between classes Increasing tolerance for state intervention in peoples welfare

Postmodernism Womens movement, rise of neo liberalism, end of the Cold War, the collapse of socialist ideals, decline of class as marker of identity and cultural difference TV becomes a core media, extension of tertiary education Great art a commodity

A relationship between the decline of colonialism and the jeopardy in which progressivism and rationality are? History is associated with relativism Postmodern politics appeals to desires and needs that are media constructs e.g. US President actor

M. Arnold culture is a seedbed for social change R. Williams culture way of progressive socialist view of the future Foucault downgraded progressivism history a passage of abrupt transitions rather than a continous flow

Forecasting the future is the result of present action Future can be controlled and if not, at least known Futuristic images science fiction projections of the present in which they were created We re living in the future now major publicity campaigns for new technologies

Time travels in future to preserve the past Or the present every day opens to the future Dystopian societies are often imagined as police states, with unlimited power over the citizens.

Cultural policy August Comte and Saint Simon planning the future society Foucault modern power empowers and forms subjects typically by government processes J. Fichte and von Humboldt philosophers and theorists involved in policy making and administration

Causes of cultural politics - growing importance of cultural industry (cultural tourism), perceived threats to national culture, backclash against subsidies high art and governmentally endorsed and managed multiculturalism

The appearance of creative industries (copyright industries) leisure and cultural interests developed via public privates partnerships: art centres, comedy festivals, walking trails, libraries, fashion shows, public artworks Multiculturalism encouragement \of different cultures within one nations ates) and

The future
Multiculturalism encouragement of different cultures within one nations states Cultural diversity openness to different cultural global flows

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