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Pregnancy is a normal and natural part of a womans life cycle.

Pregnancy is the maternal condition of having a developing fetus in the body. Yoga is an ideal for pregnancy as it allows women to practice both on a physical, physiological, and spiritual level while at the same time developing confidence and selfawareness. Yoga provides a perfect way to keep exercising to maintain health and fitness during pregnancy without strain.

At least 1 hour after eating before practicing yoga.

Stay well hydrated.

Not to overstretch when Practicing Yoga. Before commencing/continuing practice of

Yoga consultation with a medical professional and always to discuss these with yoga teacher. Avoid sudden movements such as jumping and twisting, strong backbends and strong abdominal work such as sit-ups.

There eight components of yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) as per Patanjali Yoga-Sutra. Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayam, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana Samadhi.

ASANA (POSTURES): Trikonaasa Paadangushthaasana Ardha-titali and Purna Titali Shavasana

These very effective yogicasanas. Helpful in softened sacro-iliac joints and lumbar spine of pregnant women. Contraindicated Asanas: Sirshaasna Halaasana Suryanamaskara


Anuloma-Viloma Shitali Shitkari Bhramari

These are helpful to increase oxygen supply, both in foetal and maternal compartment. Improved perfusion to tissue. Reducing the unwanted pain sensation during and early and later part of pregnancy. Increasing level progesteron synthesis and secretion mainly to support through out the pregnancy.

Contra-indicated Pranayaam: Bhastrika and Other Complicated

Dharana Dhyana Samadhi

Link to Antaranga and Bahiranga Yoga

Antaranga Yoga
(deep Level of Spiritual act)

During Pregnancy:
During Labour:

Birth Outcome:

The sequential effect of the pathways of yoga on outcomess

It encourages awareness of posture with attention to

grounding, breathing, gentle stretching and relaxation. This is an excellent preparation for labour which requires a woman to have developed a certain flexibility of body as well as of mind. Yoga is as much a philosophy and way of life as it is an exercise. There are so many Guidelines for yoga and exercise during pregnancy are still relevant but not all are necessarily applicable.

Childbirth pain evokes a generalized stress response.

Physiological effects on a womans parturient and

fetus. Maternal catecholamine production increases, which affects the labor process by reducing the strength, duration and coordination of uterine contractions. The fetus also is affected, as demonstrated by on reassuring changes in fetal heart rate patterns. As a result of these changes, an increase in the length of labor, as well as a increase in the APGAR score of the newborn can occur.

Things to be avoided:
Lying on the back from 34 weeks.

Over-stretching in the pelvis.

Wide-legged positions or squatting with SPD or DSP. Any practice if there has been bleeding. In such an

instance, consultation is must. Avoid squatting and forward bends if suffering from haemorroids or vulval varicosities. Avoid squatting with breech presentations after 34 weeks. Anything that feels as though it is straining or excessive.

Kendrick JM, Simpson KR. Labor and birth. In: Simpson KR, Creehan PA, editors. Association of Womens Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN): perinatal nursing. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company; 2001.p. 298375. Swami Maharana. Integrated approach of yoga on pregnancy outcome. Paper presented at the Kolkata conference, December 2527, 2006. The Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana

Samsthana (Research Foundation), The Heritage School, Kolkata, India; 2006. Kardong-Edgren S. Using evidence-based practice to improve intrapartum care. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurse 2001;30(4):3715. Cogan R, Spinnato JA. Pain and discomfort thresholds in late pregnancy. Pain 1986;27(1):638.

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