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My internship at the European Parliament

Bo Won Kim, KSA 13

About the European Parliament

About the European Parliament

Directly elected by EU voters every 5 years Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) represent the people Parliament is a law-making institution

About the European Parliament

The European Parliament has three main roles:

debating and passing European laws, with the Council scrutinising other EU institutions to make sure they are working

debating and adopting the EU's budget, with the Council.

Multilingualism in the European Parliament

all languages are equally important all parliamentary documents are published in all the official languages of the
European Union (EU)

right to speak in the official language of his/her choice.

Organisation and Work of the EP

The President MEPs

Political groups
Committees Delegations

Where to find the EP?

The European Parliament has three places of work

Meetings of the whole Parliament (plenary sessions) take place in

Strasbourg and in Brussels.

Luxembourg is home to the administrative offices (the General Secretariat).

The EP in Strasbourg

The EP in Brussels

About my internship at the European Parliament

About Jens Geier

MEP from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and
Democrats (SPD)

Born on 22 June 1961, Frankfurt/Main One of 766 Members elected in 2009

About Jens Geier

Member BUDG Committee on Budgets

CONT Committee on Budgetary Control

D-JP Delegation for relations with Japan

What are comittees?

Standing Comittees

consist of between 24 and 76 MEPs, and has a chair, a bureau and a


meet once or twice a month They consider Commission and Council proposals

What are comittees?

Special Committees

Parliament may at any time set up temporary committees on specific issues

Committee on Budgets (BUDG)

is responsible for drafting the Parliament's position on the EU's annual

is in charge of preparing the framework for the annual budgetary procedures

for a period of 7 years

is working on legislative proposals aiming at reintroducing revenue into the

EU public purse.

Committee on Budgetary Control (CONT)

looks at how the EU Budget is spent and if the programmes are value for

ensures that European tax payer money is spent according to EU law liaises with the Union's Anti-Fraud Office to strengthen the fight against
fraud and corruption

About Jens Geier

My colleagues

My workplace

Plenary Hall

Thank you for your attention!

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