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The lecturer
Name: Nguyn Tn Thu Hin Email: Mobile: 0908178217

Course Assessment
Quizzes/Case studies and class

assistant: 15% Mid-term presentation: 15% (company presentation- video clip) Final examination: 70% - 40 multiple choices - 1 case studies

Class rules
No entering class after 7:30am No foods (drinks allowed)

No mobile phones, laptops,Ipads

No talking or making noise

Lecture Case studies Quizzes Metaplan Class assistant

HR and Organizational Performance

What is an organization? Why do organizations exist? Organizations = People Mission, goals, objectives --- concerted effort; efficiency; effectiveness.

The Human Resource Function In Organizations Of Various Sizes


The Human Resource Function in a Small Business





The Human Resource Function in a Medium-Sized Business


Sales Manager

Operation s Manager

Finance Manager

Human Resource Manager

The Human Resource Function in a Large Firm

President and CEO
Vice President, Marketing Vice President, Operations Vice President, Finance Vice President, Human Resources

Manager, Training and Developmen t

Manager, Compensation and Benefits

Manager, Staffing

Manager, Safety and Health

Manager, Labor Relations


1. What are the requirements of each

department in the company for its staff? 2. You are in an interview at Sheraton Hotel for Front office executive. What are your expectations from this job and this company?

The HRM Framework

The External Environment
Social Environment Legal Environment


Labor Market

Match HR Activities: Recruitment, Selection, Training, Compensation, Labor relations Individual *KSAs *Needs Job *KSA Requirements *Rewards

HR Outcomes: Job Satisfaction Org. commitment Attraction Retention Attendance Performance

Human Resource Management Functions

Human Resource Managemen 1 t

Safety and Health


2008 by Prentice Hall

Job Analysis
Human Resource

Right people

Right job
Right time

Planning Recruitment Selection

Human Resource Development

Training Development Career Planning Career Development Organizational Development Performance Management Performance Appraisal


2008 by Prentice Hall

Compensation All rewards that individuals receive as a result of their employment
2008 by Prentice Hall 1-16

Direct Financial Compensation - Pay that

person receives in form of wages, salaries, bonuses, and commissions. Indirect Financial Compensation (Benefits) - All financial rewards not included in direct compensation such as paid vacations, sick leave, holidays, and medical insurance. Nonfinancial Compensation - Satisfaction that person receives from job itself or from psychological and/or physical environment in which person works.


2008 by Prentice Hall

Safety and Health

Employees who work in safe environment and enjoy good health are more likely to be productive and yield long-term benefits to organization.
2008 by Prentice Hall 1-18

Safety and Health

Safety - Involves protecting

employees from injuries caused by work-related accidents Health - Refers to employees' freedom from illness and their general physical and mental well being


2008 by Prentice Hall

Employee and Labor Relations

Human resource activity is often referred to

as industrial relations Most firms today would rather have a unionfree environment


2008 by Prentice Hall

Ethics and HR Management

Discipline dealing with what is:
good & bad right & wrong

moral duty & obligation


The Rights Model

The rights model analyzes ethical issues

by focusing on an actions impact on human rights. Under this model, human rights are the rights all people have. An action that maximizes respect for human rights and minimizes their violation is morally correct. When encountering ethical dilemmas, a person applying the rights model selects the action that minimizes the violation of stakeholders rights.

The right model

The two necessities to be fully human

are freedom and well-being. Thus, two basic categories of human rights exist within the model: (1) rights of liberty, and (2) rights of well-being.

The right model

Rights of Liberty Privacy Free consent Free speech Freedom of conscience Right to life Rights of Well-being Employment Food Housing Education

Utilitarianism is an approach to

establishing ethical standards based on the consequences of an action. In an ethical dilemma, a person selects the action that brings about the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of people. The model determines correctness in terms of social benefit. Many business people favor the cost/benefit approach of utilitarianism.

Applying Utilitarianism
Identify the facts.

Identify the ethical issues.

Identify the alternative courses of action. Identify the stakeholders.

For each alternative, calculate the costs

and benefits (identify who would be harmed and who would benefit). Choose that alternative which results in the greatest amount of good for the greatest number of stakeholders.

Example #2
A secretary who has worked for your

corporation for fifteen years is involved in a car accident in which she permanently loses the use of her right hand. Thus, she can no longer effectively type, file, or perform many of the other functions that she previously had performed and that are included in her job description.

Your corporation has a very tight

budget and does not have sufficient funds to pay for an additional secretary without reallocating budget items. The injured secretary has been very loyal to your corporation, and you have been very satisfied with her work and dedication. She wants to stay at her job.

Moreover, she does not believe that

she could find other employment at this time. Should your corporation fire her, lay her off with compensation, or find a way to retain her? In resolving this dilemma, apply:
Utilitarianism The Rights Model Your own personal opinion

Evolution Of Human Resource Management


2008 by Prentice Hall

The Death of HR ?
Traditional personnel function

Recordkeeping Perceived as a dumping ground

The death of HR? HRs rebirth

Fall 2008


Management 412 / Intro to HRM

Traditional Human Resource Functions in a Large Firm

President and CEO
Vice President, Marketing Vice President, Operations Vice President, Finance Vice President, Human Resources

Manager, Training and Developmen t

Manager, Compensation

Manager, Staffing

Manager, Safety and Health

Manager, Labor Relations


2008 by Prentice Hall

Traditional Human Resource Function in Large Firm

Separate sections were often created Placed under an HR Manager Each HR function may have a

supervisor & staff HR Manager works closely with top management in formulating policy


2008 by Prentice Hall

The Evolving HR Organization

HR Outsourcing HR Shared Service Centers Professional Employer Organization Line Manager Evolve to make HR more strategic 2008 by Prentice Hall 1-34

A Possible Evolving HR Organization Example

President and CEO
Vice President, Strategic Human Resources Director of Safety and Health

Vice President, Operations

Vice President, Finance

Vice President, Marketing

Training & Developmen t (Outsourced )

Compensation (Shared Service Centers)


Staffing (Line Managers, Use of Applicant Tracking Systems)

2008 by Prentice Hall


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