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Trinidad Medical Aid

Delivering to your doorstep

Arundranath Mahase Kerry Wilson Nigel Garcia Cleve Chadee

Trinidad Medical Aid

Testing Customer Segment: Interviews with persons who benefit from CDAP and patients that visit public Health Institutions, whose medication may not necessary be approved by CDAP. Value Proposition: Interviews with persons willing to use the service.

Channel: Surveys/ maps / interviews to determine most efficient modes of transport.

Revenue Model: Interviews with potential customers to determine payment for such a service. Interviews with Government Officials to determine their willingness to subsidies such a service.

Trinidad Medical Aid

Test Fail Results

Customer Segment: 40% Value proposition: 40% Channels: Travel time of over 1 hr. Revenue: - Less than 50% of persons not willing to pay for service. - Government unwillingness to subsidies.

Trinidad Medical Aid

Customer Feedback

25 interviews were carried out with potential customers. Of the 25 users, all were interested in such a service. 15 of those said that they were willing to pay for the service. The average price customers were willing to pay for the service was found to be $20 per delivery. It was found, that of the 25 interviewed 20 of them access Public Health and 15 of them benefiting from CDAP. Conversations were also held with Government officials, which proved to be favourable, in that they were interested in such a venture and would be willing to support.

Original Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas Design for : Trinidad Medical Aid

Key Partners
Ministry of Health (Hospitals) Ministry of Social Development (CDAP) Pharmacies Public Health care Facilities Private Medical Institutions Group Members

Key Activities
Prompt/Efficient Delivery of Medications to customers

Value Proposition
Convenience Reliability

Customer Relationships
Loyalty Social Media

Customer Segments
Elderly Sick/Bedridden persons without transport Busy persons

Saves time and money Personal interaction Greater productivity

Key Resources
Staff/Labor Location Transportation/Vehicle Stationary cost

Delivery by car Mailboxes Internet

Cost Structure
Rent Wages Transport maintenance

Delivery charge Fuel charge

Business Model Canvas with changes

The Business Model Canvas Design for : Trinidad Medical Aid

Ministry of Health
Ministry of the People and Social Development (NIPDEC) Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development C40 Central Stores Pharmacies

Processing of customer requests
Locating of medications Procurement Delivery of medications

Reliability Saves time and money Omits hassles in Sourcing Medications.

Customer Relationships
Social Media Personal interaction

Patients of Public Health Institutions
CDAP users outside of Public Health institutions. Public users interested in the service

Key Resources
Staff/Labor Location Transportation/Vehicle Stationary cost

Car pickup / delivery Motorbike pickup / delivery Social Media

Cost Structure
Rent Wages Transport maintenance Fuel

Exclusive Government Contractual Agreement Special Requests (Disaster Relief etc.) Non-Govt payments by set fees

Trinidad Medical Aid

Market Size

TOTAL ADDRESSABLE MARKET- 2,456,826 Patients Visits to Public Health Institutions 2,456,826 CDAP users approx. 68,000.

SERVED AVAILABLE MARKET- 415,464 Patients Visits to District Health Facilities TARGET MARKET- 103,866 25% Projected Participants
Data Gathered from Ministry of Health Full Page Ad 15/09/2013

Trinidad Medical Aid

Market Size


Chart showing market size results

Trinidad Medical Aid

Type Business

Trinidad medical aid is a delivery service business.

Blog of Trinidad Medical Aid



Trinidad Medical Aid

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