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Hygiene Of Water And Water Supplies


Improvement Of Water

Improvement Of Water

Removal of Sources of Pollution

Spontaneous (Self) Purification

The ability of the river to get rid of various pollutants by converting them to Carbon dioxide, water and other gases through the action of bacteria and other organisms that consume organic matter.

Spontaneous Purification
Pathogenic microorganisms fail to grow and reproduce in water due to the following factors: Aeration Increased dissolved

Sunlight Increases photosynthesis. Sedimentation turbidity reduced. Agitation destruction of


Spontaneous Purification
Oxidation: organic matter is oxidized by aerobic microorganisms. Reduction: due to the action of anaerobic bacteria in the bottom. Dilution: infective materials become diluted. Starvation: occurs finally.

Coagulation & Flocculation

Coagulation: The destabilization of colloidal particles (1um to 1 nm) by the addition of a chemical called Coagulant e.g. trivalent cations e.g. aluminium sulphate

AL2 (SO4)3 . 14 H2O

Coagulation & Flocculation

Flocculation: is the agglomeration of destabilized particles into microfloc and bulky floccules which can be settled.

Coagulation & Flocculation

Negatively charged particles repel each other due to electricity

Coagulation & Flocculation

Positively charged coagulants attract to negatively charged particles due to electricity.

Coagulation & Flocculation

Neutrally charged particles attract due to van der Waal's forces.

Coagulation & Flocculation

Particles and coagulants join together into floc.

Flocs, that have been formed, are separated from water in gravity settling tanks.


Passing water through a bed of carefully selected and graded sand and gravel, usually in a downward direction. Suspended particles are removed and accumulated between the sand grains until they are largely filled. Then the filter must be cleaned by reversing the flow of water through the bed. (Backwashing)

Sand Filters
Slow Sand Filter

Rapid Sand Filter

Slow Sand Filter

Slow Sand Filter

Removal of Hardness (Water Softening) Hard Water

Water which forms a lather with difficulty with soap.

Water Hardness

Hardness of water is due to Calcium and Magnesium salts in solution.

Water Hardness
Soap contains salts of fatty acids i.e. Sodium or Potassium Stearates (Soluble). In the presence of hard water, Ca and Mg ions replace sodium or potassium and an insoluble curd is formed (Ca and Mg stearates)

Water Hardness (C15H31COO)2 (C17H35COO)2 Na K

Ca Mg

Types Of Hardness Temporary (Carbonate) Hardness

Permanent Hardness Total Hardness

Temporary (Carbonate) Hardness

Due to Bicarbonate of Ca and Mg

Boiling CO2 & Carbonates of Ca and Mg

Ca (HCO3) 2 CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O Mg (HCO3) 2 MgCO3 + CO2 + H2O

Permanent Hardness
Sulphates Chlorides Nitrate
Ca & Mg

It Can not be removed by boiling

Total Hardness
Temporary Hardness + Permanent Hardness Total Hardness

Total hardness: Is the total conc. of the ions of Ca++, Mg++ and Fe++ in water expressed in mg/L

Hygienic & Economic Significance Of Hardness

Wastage of Soap. Wearing out of Fabrics (Ca & Mg salts make fibres brittle). Scale (Fur) formation on surface of heaters wastage of energy. Corrosion of boilers (Boiler scales) Excess Mg bad taste. Hard water may affect some insecticides, disinfectants and live vaccines. Very soft water is also undesirable (corrosive to pipes and tanks)

Water Softening

Only for temporary hardness. Uneconomic. Not all carbonates of Ca & Mg are precipitated.

Water Softening
Lime and Lime-Soda Softening: 1- Ca (HCO3) + Ca (OH) 2 2 CaCO3 + 2H2O 2- Mg (HCO3) + 2 Ca (OH) 2 2 CaCO3 + Mg (OH) 2 + 2 H2O 3- MgSO4 + Ca (OH) 2 Mg (OH) 2 + CaSO4

Still causing hardness

4- CaSO4 + Na2 CO3

CaCO3 + Na2 SO4

Water Softening
Base Exchange: Using naturally occurring or synthetic compounds having ion exchange properties. These compounds are known as: zeolites. E.g. Sodium aluminium silicate ( Permutit).

Base Exchange
Ca(HCO3) + Na2 Z Ca Z + NaHCO3 MgSO4 + Na2 Z Mg Z + Na2SO4 Regeneration:

Ca Z + 2 NaCl Na2 Z + CaCl2

Water Softener
Ion Exchange: Sodium for Calcium & Magnesium

Raw Water
Calcium & Magnesium And other Multivalent cations

RESIN (Sodium Or Potassium)

Treated Water
(Sodium or Potassium)

Recharge with Brine

Calcium & Magnesium and other multivalent cations
Waste Water

RESIN (Calcium
& Magnesium)

(Sodium or Potassium)

Reverse Osmosis
Force water through membrane Removes many contaminants

Disinfection Of Water
Chlorine Gas:
0.25 2mg/L
Cl2 +H2O HOCl + HCl HOCl H+ + OCL HOCl Hypochlorus acid accomplish the disinfection. Odour and Colour removal. Iron removal.

Disinfection Of Water
Hypochlorination: The oldest method using chlorinated lime (Bleaching Powder). Chlorinated lime has been displaced by Calcium Hypochlorite Ca (OCl)2.4H2O Chlorine content 70%. Sodium Hypochlorite NaOCL Chlorine content 12-15%.

Disinfection Shock Chlorination

May work for small numbers of coliform bacteria. Should be conducted after all well repairs, flooding, or problems with elevated bacterial counts. After shock disinfection retesting for total coliform, standard plate count, and nuisance bacteria may be need.

Disinfection Of Water
Other Chlorine Compounds: Chlorine Dioxide ClO2 Very useful in taste and odour removal besides disinfection.

Disinfection Of Water
Iodine and Iodine Compounds: Iodophores Iodine + Phosphoric acid + Carrier Hypoiodus acid & molecular Iodine does not react with ammonia or organic nitrogen compounds. Very effective, may be added to drinking water till faint yellow colour (10 12 ppm) i.e. Self indicator. Some physiological effect upon thyroid activity.

Disinfection Of Water
Potassium Permanganate: A dark purple salt of permanganic acid. May be added to drinking water till faint pink colour. (1:10.000 1:150.000) Also used for Iron, Manganese, Taste and Odour removal.

Disinfection Of Water The Use Of Ozone (Ozonation)

Disinfection Of Water
Ultraviolet Light (253 nm)

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