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Self Development
Submitted by:

Rahul jadhav,

The following presentation is done on the basis of the

findings that I got from visiting the remand home,
Thrissur as a part of our self development class
assignment for the purpose of analyzing my own
personality, to examine the factors which contributes to
personality development, to understand the importance of
time management, to understand leadership skills needed
for a specific situation, to develop an open self
Keeping in mind the first day at Frankfinn and this day
when you have completed the project, Please map your
development, in terms of your personality, emphasizing
on your SWOT…
During my course in frankfinn I improved my self in lots of means
some are stated below:
I have improved myself in communication means Now I am able to
effectively communicate and express myself in front of others
with out any fear. I have transformed my self from an ambivert
personality to extrovert. I have a clear idea how to manage time
effectively and efficiently. I changed a lot in means of attitude
when I changed my negative attitude to positive attitude I noticed
a great change in my self. Another change that I have noticed is
that I became a positive thinker. I turned my self as a winning
personality with the help of my institute and personality
development classes.
(1st day in frankfinn)

Strengths Weakness
• Confident • Very weak in
• Intelligent sticking to
• Energetic
• Frank • Extravagant
• Less adaptable
• responsible
Opportunities Threats
• Upcoming number • High competition
of airlines • Financial threats
• Opportunity to
deviate towards
hospitality field as
well as travel

Strengths Weakness
• Good communication • Less Observant
skill • Not spontaneous
• Positive thinking • Very frank-
• Positive attitude Sometimes creates
• Good perception enemies
• Effective time
• Bold enough to face all
the threats
Opportunities Threats
• Aviation • Financial threats

• Hospitality
• Travel and tourism
• Call centers
• Mnc and banks
• Private firms
Factors important for the developments
of ones personality, state it with your
observation and realization:
• Perception: I always had a fear of failure that
pulled me back from doing things. I realized that
only a wining perception makes one successful
• Learning and Knowledge: I used to learn
everything mugging up with out applying it in my
daily life. I realized whatever I have learned
wrongly I have to unlearn and relearn it
• Rationality: I observed that sentiments and
emotions ruled me and I gave up my goal for
pleasure. I realized that instead of being
emotional I should be rational towards my goal.
• Attitude: I am a person who is so uncertain and
doubtful I realized that attitude is important
than fact so I should develop a positive attitude.
• Empathy: I never understood others feelings, I
realized that stepping into the shoes of others
will glorify your personality.
• Persistence
• Motivation
• Confidence
• Commitment
Analyze the above mentioned factors
with example from your experience during
the assignment

From the assignment I understood the importance of positive

attitude and thinking. Then I found that another key factor
in ones personality is his communication skill and his ability
to express himself and ideas before others in spite of the
listeners maturity level. Time management is another factor
and if we manage time effectively that means we are
committed towards the job that we are doing. we should be
so empathetic that we should understand others also who s
there in our team .We should be rational towards our job
lots of factors will be there to divert us from our goal but
we should be rational and achieve our goals. A high level of
confidence is also very important factor.
Factors that lead the kids
to reach the Remand home
• Negative conditioning
• Lack of motivation
• Lack of proper education
After reaching this place:
• They got caring
• Motivation
• Education
• Positive conditioning
Conditioning is the way an individual is brought up. It is the
process by which people or animal are trained to behave in a
particular way when some situations come across.
In the Remand home that I visited as a part of our assignment
the main thing that we noticed is that it is not because of
his problem that a child is committing a big mistake but it
is because of the way they are conditioned by others and it
is fact that whatever changes that they have right now is as
a result of the good conditioning that they are getting from
the remand home.
It is very clear that one cant change their past but can shape
the future utilizing the present well…
Qualities required for a
• Setting objective: Objectives selected by the leader should be
achievable and should not feel as a burden to the team members.
• Organizing & planning: Important thing in achieving the prefixed
• Decision making: He should be very careful in making decisions as
it should convince all the members
• Integrity & honesty: the leader should be utmost honest towards
his team
• Enthusiasm: leader should be enthusiastic and that should inspire
the other members
• Ambition: he should be ambitious
• Empathy: he should understand and act according to the feelings
of the team members
• Motivational: he should be a motivation and a model to his tea
• Emotional stability
• Intelligence
• Human relations and people skills
• Objectivity
• Technical skills
• Communication skills
• Social skills
If you were given a task to develop even one of
those underprivileged individual whom you have
noticed during this assignment, what action you would
take to enhance his or her personality?
Arun a 6th standard student from a very good family got into
this remand home as he steeled a mobile phone from
somebody and was caught red handed. He is so afraid now
and he is not ready to face any one as he really had a biter
experience after this incident our society didn’t considered
his age at all and labeled this child a thief. They always
treated him like that. And this really hurt the boy and now
he is not ready to go back to his family he is planning to live
his rest of life in the remand home. He thinks that this is
the end of his life. his mother passed away during his child
hood and his father has ever come to meet him in the
remand home. This makes him feel that he is a total waste
If I get a chance I will help this boy to get out of this….
SWOT analysis of Arun
Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats
Intelligent Not confident Getting good conditioning De-motivated by
from the remande home others

Simple Delicate Lot of inborn talents like Others negative

singing is there. attitude and
towards him
Ignorant about his
Action plans
• Visit regularly
• Provide him some good books
• Give him care ad attention
• Motivate him
• Give some positive strokes
How time management is
Time management can be defined as
“applying management principles
which helps in maximizing the value
of time by including those activities
which produce positive results and
rejecting those activities which
either waste timeor produce negative
Value of time
Time is money, Every minute of our life
is worth a lot of money because a
huge investment have already been
made in it by people like our parents,
friends and family. Every day and
every minute of everyday is worth
money and must be treated with
respect and care.
Money must be handled with
responsibility and so must time.
Barriers that we came across
for managing time efficiently
• Likes and dislikes
• Lack of discipline
• Procrastination: Putting things off
for a later time.
• Weak interest in life
• Improper reference groups
How we can over come these

• Prioritize
• Do it now
• Set goals, achieve goals
• Put things in writing
• Use wasted time
• Using time management grid
Time management Grid
High important/ High importance/
High Urgency Low urgency

Low important/ Low important/

High Urgency Low urgency
How individual can be a better
planner in terms o time
• Keep everything in writing and decide what
is most important and do that first
• Don’t make the mistake of doing what you
like instead of doing what is important
• Do the most difficult job first
• Stop keeping things pending
• Keep a strong goal automatically decides
what to do and when
• All goals must have dead lines
• Reject all those which are unimportant and
time wasters
• Write things down, don’t try to remember,
carry a pocket diary and jotting pad always
• Checking what else can do commuting and
• Make friends who are productive rather
than who indulge in time pass activities
Importance of an open
self personality
When a person knows ones own personality and is
willing to share ideas, thoughts feelings and
values with others, that person is called an “open
self” personality.
In service sectors like hospitality and aviation it is
very important that one should be an open self
personality to work successfully. He should be
very clear to others. He should share what he
knows without shyness, uncertainity or lack of
confidence. He should know himself better than
others know about him. He should make conscious
and constructive interpersonal relations.
How to develop an open
self personality?
• Know yourself
• Decide your objective
• Say “hello” first
• Share your dreams, desires, hobbies & ambition
• Help others
• Be on time
• Be pro-active all the time
• Smile a lot
• Keep “small successes” on going
Diagram shows the 4 types of
self in the Johari window
Information known Information not
to self known to self
Information 1 2
known to others
Open Open
Information not 3 4
known to others
Hidden Unknown
I am thankful to my institute and our centre head
for allowing me to me to go for our assignment
purpose to Remand home, Thrissur for our
personality development classes. My sincere
gratitude towards our faculty Mr. desai for giving
us such a wonderful opportunity and guidance, I
thank my whole team members and also the staffs
of the Remand home especially the superintend
Mr. Rajendran, Mr. Ram Kumar the guard.
Thankful to whole students of the remand home
for their kind co-operation.
• Frank Finn module for personality
• Think and grow rich- Napoleon hill
• Magic of thinking big-David Schwartz

I hereby declare that the above work

is done by me and it is my own work.

Rahul Jadhav.

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