Presentation 2 Chris Dawson Capita 17.09.13

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Doing Business in Barnet

17th September 2013

The LBB Capita Customer and Support Group (CSG) and Development and Regulatory Services (DRS)
On September 1st (CSG) and October 1st (DRS) the council transferred a number of services to Capita as part of a ten year partnership Capita now delivers those services to the council and other organisations such as Barnet Group and the schools in Barnet

The transferred services which make up the Customer and Support Group



Customer Services

Capita has committed that the services they provide will be: at a lower cost whilst maintaining the same service level or better reviewed and enhanced to address the real needs of the organisations and citizens using that service


Revenues and Benefits


Regeneration Environmental Health & Trading Standards

Doing business with the council

Common challenges for suppliers doing business with the council Not aware of when the council is going to market Dont have an opportunity to explain to the council what they can do Limited opportunities to co-bid with other local suppliers Limited matching of procurement opportunities to local companies What we can do Involve the local business community in service Co- design Match procurement opportunities with the local supply base

Make it easier to do business with council

Invest in the local business community Embedding apprenticeships

Could do more to help suppliers trade more effectively with the council and beyond
Too many boiler plate requirements for: High financial turnover High indemnity insurance thresholds Wide geographical and service base

The Co-Design process

1. Analysis of available Research and Data Sources 2. Discovery workshops with Users 3. Co-design ideas workshops with Users

Capitas CustomerCentred Co-Design Process

7. Confirm Solution Proposals
Price Savings Guarantees Volumes Cost Implementation Timing

4. New Service Prototype development

6. Prototype refinement and further testing

5. Prototype testing with Users

Local supply chain champion

Local Supply Chain Champion

The role of the Local Supply Chain Champion will include: Matching procurement opportunities to local companies Championing the use of procurement portals Identifying clusters of product/service suppliers, supporting collaborative bidding Developing the local market by: Mapping future supply requirements to the local supply chain Identifying gaps in the supply chain which can be developed

Community development fund

Investment of 500,000 fund to focus on business enablement Office accommodation

Bid support
Business education seminars

Long term support and sustainability Outputs and direction led by co-design work

What comes next?


Community development fund
Design phase Delivery of initiatives


Increasing youth employment

Local supplier champion

Co-design Appointment

Opportunity matching


Local business forums

Making it easier to do business with the council

Publish forward plans
Supplier portal Process and document reviews Commissioning Specification review

Talk to Us?

If you would like to talk to us about how we can better serve your needs, or Would like to be involved in the co-design process Please contact us:

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