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Rosemarie Rizzo Parse

Theory of Human Becoming

The Theory of Human Becoming

Illuminate Meaning: client will co-participate in creating reality Synchronizing Rhythms: dwelling with the pitch, yaw, and roll of the universe; living moment to moment Mobilizing Transcendence: moving beyond the meaning

Assumptions about Human and Becoming

Human is open and free, choosing meaning in situation and bearing responsibility for decisions Becoming is the humans pattern of relating values and priorities

The Theory of Human Becoming as it relates to :

Client/Person Health Environment Nursing

Goal is to show qualities of life through clients perspective Quality of life emerges through the nurseperson process The nurse bears witness to the clients own living of value priorities Can be done anywhere

Parse advocates that health is flowing progression of human becoming Hope is a living experience of health inextricably connected to quality of life Health is living experience of ongoing human-universe change

The human and the environment are mutually and simultaneously interrelating as a unit The human-universe-health process is more than and different from the sum of its parts Humans co-create health in relationships with the environment

Presents as an alternative to bio-medical model and the bio-psycho-social-spiritual approach Enhances the quality of life from each clients own perspective Parse defines the nursing practice as a science and art. It is innovative and creative. Nurses responsibility to society is in the guiding of individuals and their families The client is the authority figure and primary decision maker

Nursing contd
Nursing is not based on medical or nursing diagnoses Nursing does not deal with disease prevention or health restoration Being with clients and family, rather than doing for clients and family

A framework for practice

Personal connection between nurse and client Care plan must address emotional and psychological needs of client

A framework for practice

Using the human connection
Joy Sorrow Laughter Compassion Empathy

The Human Connection

What nursing ought to be

Monitor the clients experiences moment to moment Prevent further injury or injustice by attending to their physical, psychological and spiritual needs Teach the client to be the leader of their health needs

Most of us agree that

Equilibrium in mind, body and spirit is needed in order for a client to experience optimum health The current fix it attitude of healthcare denies the real need of the clients wellness

Parses Human Becoming Theory values the most idealistic views of holismof what nursing ought to be. Her theory could have a huge impact on the way our society views the role of nursing.

Verbose language of the theory makes it hard to understand It is open to misinterpretation It is difficult to put into practice

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