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Linking words learner problems Meaning of individual connectors. They dont really have meanings.

s. They are usually classified into broad discourse functions e.g:

Additive: in addition, moreover, furthermore, besides, likewise Contrast (Adversative): however, nevertheless, in contrast, on the other hand, despite this Causal: therefore, consequently, thus Sequential: then, next, first, to sum up Concessive: although, even though, while

But this just confuses learners and then they mix them up. They are not interchangeable:
Jim wanted to fly to the moon. However/Nevertheless/Despite this/ , he didnt know how.

Linking words learner problems Students have most problems with contrast and concession. (Not normally done in everyday spoken language; students write like they speak until taught otherwise; easy to avoid). Key battle grounds:
However vs. Nevertheless On the other hand vs. In contrast Therefore (vs. Consequently)

Meaning of linking words

Nevertheless vs. However
X implies Y. X is true but Y is not true. Nevertheless requires a situation in which one is led to expect one thing but finds something different to be true.
John has always been a top language student. Nevertheless he failed French this term. John has always been a top language student. Nevertheless he failed Maths this term. However, however works for both. Use it generically wherever attention drawn to difference.

Meaning of linking words

On the other hand vs. In contrast. On the other hand X (a) on the other hand X (b) In contrast X (a) in contrast Y (b) London is cold in the winter. ________ Melbourne is warm. London is cold in the winter. ________ it is not so full of tourists.

On the other hand is often used for good/bad and advantages/disadvantages. Should be limited to these contexts and not taught as a substitute for however.

Meaning of linking words

Therefore vs. Consequently. - Overuse of therefore is a problem. - It only works when the listener/reader would naturally expect the conclusion or when all info necessary to follow argument is provided by speaker/writer - We hadnt eaten all day. Therefore, we decided to have dinner at McDonalds - We hadnt eaten all day. Therefore, we decided to have dinner before going out. - Consequently is used to signal causal relationship where reader/listener cant predict: - Essien won the lottery; consequently he bought an island.

Meaning of linking words

Moreover vs. Furthermore. - Has to be the right register. IELTS essay is fine, narrative not. - Similar use: arguments where several premises are used to support a conclusion. Difference is Furthermore tends to be used after the 3rd or 4th premise (where more than 2)

For both of these there needs to be a conclusion. For a list (e.g. of actions) use and (plus in addition, also for variation)

Meaning of linking words

Although, even though, while
- Basically means Yes, but - Speaker/writer grants truth of X while pushing truth of Y to make Y truth more important than X truth.

- So less important truth goes with although etc

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