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THE 1920S

Presented by Caycee Uril Khoi Bui Terry Tsai

Most common jobs (blue collar vs white collar) Mobsters, prohibition Ex. Al Capone

Domestic pastimes

Most people practiced Christianity But were starting to be challenged by Evolutionists (Darwinists)

Ex. Scopes Monkey Trial

William Harding, Republican elected, then Calvin Coolidge elected Cut corporate, income taxes, raised tariff Returning to isolation Conservative government Laissez Faire

Era of big corporate control in politics

Teapot Dome scandal 1922-1923 Albert Fall sold Nave petroleum to private companies

Boss Tweed
KKK resurgence: A backlash against the new immigrants

Before WWI Not everyone was a flapper

More women than ever before were going to college, but most of them did not plan on having a career. Many would find a job after graduation, but would only work until marriage.
Because of the boom in consumerism.




Automobiles -revolutionary Radio Movies (The nickelodeon) Washing machine Glenwood stove

Inventions in the 1920s :D


1920s indeed was America's growth spurt. Improvements in technology, fashion, manufacturing, and transportation were taking place at a rapid pace. Without the help of new inventions, some of this growth may not have happened. With the help of masterminds like Benjamin Holt, John A. Larson and Robert Goddard, the Thomas Edisons of the 20s, the early twentieth century proved to progress into wild frenzy of inventions and innovations.

Band-Aid Hair


Dryer (1920)


and Automobile with Combustion Engine (~1920)


(1927) Liquid-Fueled Rocket (1926) Q-Tips (~1920) Lie Detector (1921) Gas Stove (1920) Washing Machine (~1920)


Slicer (1927) Bulldozer (1923) Frozen Food (1929) Traffic Light (1920)


By the late 1920s, the automobile had firmly established itself as the newest and most popular method of road transport.

After World War I, ownership of an automobile aside from making everyday life more convenient came to symbolize economic status and independence

For the first time in history, women got behind the wheel and learned to drive in greater number than ever before.

The most popular car in America was the Model A in 1927, which replaced the Model T. Ford and Chevrolet dominated the auto market until the stock market crash.

1907: Average price of a car was $2,000 1908: Ford automobiles $800 1914: Ford $500

1925: Model T $350

1927: Model A $500


Industry 1. Oil 2. Rubber 3. Steel These industries increased in order to meet the demand for the products.



Cities got bigger/suburbs

Greater distance between homes. Business and education transformation.

People no longer want to ride the train due to the automobile and new roads being constructed.
Tourism became a major industry.

1921 Ford Model T with a birch speedster body patterned after a design found in an early 1920's Sears catalog.

1923 Star was the first production woodie built by an automobile manufacturer instead of a thirdparty.

1925 Buick --- The European rage for coach-built wooden bodies reached the United States by the mid-twenties.

1929 Ford Model A with body built by Ford at the Iron Mountain plant was classified by the company as a 'commercial vehicle' and was part of the truck line-up.

1929 LaSalle Series 328 with a one-off body by Cantrell of Long Island, was built for the owner of the Cadillac-LaSalle Agency in Newark, NJ. Powered by a 90-degree V-8 L-head engine, it has a synchro-mesh transmission and inboard mechanical brakes, new features for LaSalle that year.


Sports which grew and flourished in the nineteen twenties due to unprecedented publicity and promotion included: Baseball Boxing Basketball Tennis Golf Swimming Football

Newspapers, magazines, radio and movies all played a role in boosting the profile of sport and the sporting giants.

The sports stars of this era remain well known even today, such was their fame and the publicity they received.
Babe Ruth in baseball Jack Dempsey in boxing Johnny Weissmuller in swimming Knute Rockne and Red Grange in football Bill Tilden and Helen Wills in tennis Bobby Jones and Glenna Collett in golf

In the 1920s, boxing became a new, brutal, very influential sport that swarmed the US. Kids, adults, and viewers across the world got involved in boxing. People like Cinderella Man and jack Dempsey possibly changed the sport forever, even though it was a new upcoming event that surrounded people in every corner of the country in the 1920s.

Jack Dempsey

most well rounded fighter of the time period


out Jess Willard in 1919 to win Heavyweight Title



that title until

Basketball also emerged as a new, up-tempo sport that gathered an eclectic range of people. It was not as popular as baseball, and became known as a underdog, rugged sport in the 1920s. Rules and regulations, along with referees, were very inconsistent, often siding with a particular team.

Baseball evidently becomes a genuine American past time in the 1920s 1930s. With increasing viewers and organization of rules/regulations, this great sport evolves from a pickup game in the streets to a nationally recognized sport.

Babe Ruth

Well, who doesnt know who he is?? In 1920, he was sold to New York Yankees and hits 54 home runs, signaling the arrival of the lively ball era in baseball.

On 28 September 1920 a Chicago grand jury indicted eight Chicago White Sox baseball players for conspiring to throw the 1919 World Series, which they had played against the Cincinnati Reds. The gamblers accused of fixing the Series were Arnold Rothstein, who had New York gangland connections
Later, it was revealed that he had paid the players bribes totaling $80,000. (*The White Sox was a strong team. During the regular season they had won eighty-eight times..)

Movies made people laugh after the

horrors of World War I Movies were becoming very popular entertainment getaways The Jazz Singer in 1927 First film with synchronized sound


The It girl (Carla Bow) 1927 The Temptress The Torrent The Jazz Singer The Sheik 1924

Jazz, at first considered the devils music Became the pop music of the decade Radio and phonographs brought popular music to the home Big band type of jazz with elements of ragtime, blues, African spirituals

Dance halls, speakeasies

Broadways prime years

Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Don Redman, Ben Pollack, Fletcher Henderson Harlem Renaissance

Popular jazz played in the Cotton Club

Style soon adopted by white bands

Harlem Renaissance produced many type of writers and theme. With the new bust of culture came a new generation of writers. Youthful energy Ambition of excluded outsiders Resentment towards betrayed ideals. World War I had also caused a stir against traditional values, and writers of the 1920s established new codes of morals and understanding and fresh methods for expression.

Art & architecture

O Artists captured

images of American factories and skyscrapers in what came to be known as Precisionism. O The completion of the Empire State Building in 1930 marked the birth of the skyscraper. O It towers 102 stories above New York City.

Fast-paced, energetic

Reflects the optimism of the 20s

In response to restricted lifestyles before and during WWI The Waltz and the Foxtrot were older styles that remained popular

Many scandalous dance styles emerged:

The Charleston The Tango

The Camel Walks

The Square dance


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