Angular Momentum BFDBFDBFD FND FN

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Course Handout

1. (i) Angular Momentum:

10.1 Angular Momentum of a particle 10.2 Systems of particles 10.3 Angular Momentum and Angular Velocity 10.4 Conservation of angular momentum 10.5 The spinning top 10.6 Review of rotational dynamics (1) Physics: Resnick, Halliday, Krane vol 1 (5th edition) Ref. Book: Fundamental of Physics: Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
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10 -5 The spinning top

The figure (a) shows a top spinning about the axis of symmetry. What is interesting is that if the top spins rapidly the axis rotates about the z axis, sweeping out a cone (fig. b). The motion of the axis about the vertical is known as precessional motion. This is relatively slow in comparison to the spin motion of the top. Question: why the top does not fall? Bottom part of the top is assumed to be fixed at the origin O. At the center of mass (CM) a force Mg gives a torque about O: =M g rsin. As the top is spinning, it has an angular momentum L, directed along its symmetry axis. The motion of this symmetry axis about the z axis (precessional motion) occurs because the torque produces a change in the direction of the symmetry axis.
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The spinning top

n is the normal force acting upward at the pivot point o. This normal force produces no torque about o, as it passes through it. A simplified diagram, with the top replaced by a particle of mass M located at the tops centre of mass. z = r x Mg = Mg rsin and is to the plane formed by r and Mg. M r Mg

is to the axis of the top and so to the angular momentum L.


The spinning top = r x Mg = Mg rsin and is to the plane formed by r and Mg. is to the axis of the top and so to the angular momentum L.
So can change the direction of L , but not its magnitude M r Mg

z rsin

The change in L in a small increment of time dt is given by dL = dt and in the same direction of
L L + dL

Figure b illustrates the resulting precessional motion of the symmetry axis of the top. In a time t, the change in angular momentum is L = Li - Lf = t. Because L is to L, the magnitude of L does not change. Rather, what is changing is the direction of L. Because the change in angular momentum L is in the direction of , which lies in the xy plane, the top undergoes precessional motion.
z Lsin d L L L + L

The tip of the vector L and the axis of the top trace out a circle about the z axis. In a time dt, the axis rotates through an angle d and thus the angular speed of precession: P = d/dt d = dL/Lsin = dt /Lsin P = /Lsin = Mgrsin/ Lsin = Mgr/L


In a time dt, the axis rotates through an angle d and thus the angular speed of precession: P = d/dt d = dL/Lsin = dt /Lsin P = /Lsin = Mgrsin/ Lsin = Mgr/L
Lsin d L L L + L


The precessional speed is inversely proportional to the angular momentum and thus rotational angular speed. The faster the top spins, slower the precession. P = Mgr/L magnitude of , P and L

= P x L

Problem: 10.26 A top is spinning at 28.6 rev./s about an axis making an angle of 34.0 with the vertical. Its mass is 492 g and its rotational inertia is 5.12x 10-4 kg.m2. The center of mass is 3.88 cm from the pivot point. The spin is clockwise as seen from the above. Find the magnitude (in rev/s) and direction of the angular velocity of precession. P = Mgr/I = (0.492 kg)(9.81 m/s2)(3.88 x 10-2m) / {(5.12 x 10-4 kg .m2) (2 28.6 rad/s)} = 2.04 rad/s = 2.04 rad/s /(2 ) = 0.324 rev /s.
Time period (T)= time for one rotation or revolution 2 in T sec. = 2/T = 2*n, n= no. of revolution/sec; T = 1/n sec
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Review of translational and rotational dynamics

Translational Quantity

Rotational Quantity
Angular velocity
Angular acceleration Rotational inertia Torque Newtons second law for rotation about a fixed axis Angular momentum of a particle

v = dr/dt
a = dv/dt

= d/dt
= d/dt

Mass Force Newtons second law Momentum of a particle


m Fext Fext = ma

I=mr2 = r x F ext= I z

p = mv

l= r x p

Translational Quantity
Momentum of a P = MVcm system of particle
General form of Newtons second law Conservation of momentum in a system of particles for which Fext = 0 Fext = dP/dt

Rotational Quantity
Angular L=I Momentum of a system of particle
General form of Newtons second law of rotation Conservation of angular momentum in a system of particles for which ext = 0 ext = dL/dt

P= pn = constant

L= ln = constant


Problem: A uniform stick of mass M and length L is suspended horizontally. The end B of the stick is attached to the edge of a table and the end A is held by hand. At the instant when end A of the stick is suddenly released, find (a)Torque about B. (b)Angular acceleration about B. =rxF
= MgL/2
B cm A

= r F sin = r ma = r m ( r) = m r2 = I

= I MgL/2 = (ML2/3) =3g/2L

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Class work: The position vector of a particle of mass 2.0 kg is given as a function of time by r = (6 i + 5.0 t j) m. Determine the angular momentum of the particle about the origin as a function of time.

r = (6 i + 5.0 t j) m; v = d (r)/dt = 5.0 j m/s. L = r x p = (6 i + 5.0 t j) m x (2 kg) x 5.0 j m/s = 60 k kg.m2/s



Rotation is caused by torque which is defined as r F

The unit of torque is Nm.








= 2Rf F=0

=0 F = 2f

= Rf F=f



A disk of mass M and radius R rotates about a horizontal axis through its center with angular speed o. (a) What is the angular momentum? (b) A chip of mass m breaks off the edge of the disk at an instant such that the chip rises vertically above the point at which it broke off. How high above the point does it rise before starting to fall?



(a) L = I0 = (1/2)MR2 0 .

(b) The initial speed of the chip = vo = 0 R.

v=u gt = vo gt =0
The chip decelerates in a time t = vo/g, and during this time the chip travels a distance of h v2 =u2 2g hmax hmax =u2 /2 g = vo2 /2 g = 02R2/(2g) Class test on next Monday 26th August ,2013 Time: 11:30 12:30 AM
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