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When the sunlight enter the earths atmosphere, some of its radiation is reflected back Some are absorbed

d by the earth and warms the sea and long surface Heat from warm earth surface is reflected back Not all of this heat escape into space as some of them are trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouse gases

At the same time, the heat is radiated back to the earth and this cause the earth become hot However bad it is, it still good to us as it prevent the earth from freezing Greenhouse effect are made up of methane, nitrous oxide, low level ozone and water vapour Most of these gases occur naturally However, most of them produced by human activity.

GreenHouse GASES
By their percentage contribution to the greenhouse effect on Earth the four major gases are : water vapor, 3670% carbon dioxide, 926% methane, 49% ozone, 37% The major non-gas contributor to the Earth's greenhouse effect, clouds, also absorb and emit infrared radiation and thus have an effect on

Heat trapped inside Earth General warming effect created Increase in air and ocean temperature Vital issue in society

Causes of global warming Greenhouse gases increase through human activity Deforestation Use of fertillizers Burning of organic matter Burning of fossil fuels

Climate changes Changes in wild life adapations and cycles Increases in sea level Flooding in coastalareas Ocean acidification

1. 2. 3. 4.

Heavy droughts Spread of diseases Rise in tides Change in weather patterns

The ozone layer is a region layer in the stratospheric situated between 17 and 25 kilometer above the earth surface. the ozone layer contain high concentration of ozone molecules,O3 that absorb ultraviolet radiation and shield organisms from its damaging effects.

the thinning of the ozone layer is mainly due to chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) Once in the stratosphere,CFC are broken down by ultraviolet rays. As a result, the highly reactive chlorine radicals (CL) are release. These chlorine radicals break down ozone molecules,O3 in a chain reaction.

Chlorine atom

chlorine monoxide

Ozone atom

oxygen gas

Excessive entering of ultraviolet radiation to the earths surface. Lead to higher risk of skin cancer, cataracts and sun burn due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Lead to increase the earths temperature Reduce the nutrient content and crop yields due to ultraviolet radiation.

Reduce to stop the use of CFC. For example reduce the use of air conditioner . Replace CFC with hydrochlorofluorocarbon HCFC.Unlike CFC, these breake down in the atmosphere and return to earth in the form of rain water.




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