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Embryology Science that studies the early development and formation of the organism Zygote A single cell resulting

from the fusion of two gametes Ploidy?

Types of egg: A. As to amount of yolk: 1. macrolecithal (megalecithal/polylecithal) - large amount of yolk 2. mesolecithal - moderate amount of yolk 3. microlecithal - small amount of yolk 4. Alecithal - very insignificant amount of yolk

B. As to distribution of yolk: 1. centrolecital - yolk accumulates at the center of the egg and surrounded by a thin layer of cytoplasm 2. isolecithal or homolecithal eggs - small amount of yolk is distributed evenly throughout the cytoplasm - oligolecithal 3. telolecithal - yolk found in large amount is concentrated at the lower/vegetal pole ex. frog

Embryonic stages of the Frog: 1.Fertilization - union of egg and sperm

Animal Pole - upper hemisphere (darker) Vegetal Pole - lower hemisphere (lighter)

Types of fertilization:
a. external fertilization - outside the body

ex. fertilization in frog ( water) b. internal fertilization - within the body ex. fertilization in human

2. Cleavage/Segmentation
- egg undergoes series of mitotic division - segmentation - transforms 1 cell zygote into a multicellular embryo

- Small depression starts at the animal pole and extends downward as a groove around the egg 1st cleavage 2 cells 2nd cleavage 4 cells 3rd cleavage 8 cells 4th cleavage 16 cells 5th - 32 cells Cleavage pattern can be : Holoblastic/Total - cleavage occurs both in animal and vegetal pole ex. frog Meroblastic/ Incomplete - only animal pole undergoes cleavage - Ex. reptiles, insects, birds,fishes

3. Morula
- ball of many cells or hundreds of cells 4. Blastula

- appears as hollow sphere

- monodermic embryo blastocoel or segmentation cavity blastoderm layer of cells around the cavity blastomere
- cells of the blastoderm

a. micromeres

- smaller cells at the animal

pole b. macromeres bigger cells at the

5. Gastrula - Didermic embryo - Ectoderm and mesoderm - Gastrocoele

Processes involved in Gastrulation:

1. Epiboly
- downward movement of faster dividing cells in the animal pole over that of the vegetal pole

2. Involution - infolding or inward turning of cells from the animal pole

c. Invagination - inpushing or inward movement of the vegetal cells - visible as mass of protruding cells called the yolk plug

6. Neurula - Tridermic embryo - Upper surface forms - neural plate - neural fold - neural tube

- mesoderm subdivides into several regions chordamesoderm forms the notochord epimere (paraxial mesoderm) forms segmented blocks called somites mesomere (intermediate mesoderm) forms kidneys and gonads Hypomere (lateral plate mesoderm) forms smooth muscle, heart, coelomic cavities Somites -blocks of tissues along either side of the notochord Subdivided into 3 separate contributions sclerotome vertebrae dermatome dermis of the skin myotome muscles

Organogenesis formation of organs from the different germ layers 1. Ectoderm a. nervous system and sense organs b. epidermis of the skin and its derivatives hair and nails c. sensory part of all sense organs d. enamel of the teeth and lens of the eye 2. Mesoderm A. epimere - develop into structures called 1. sclerotome - vertebral column

2. dermatone - dermis of the skin 3. myotome - voluntary muscles B. Mesomere - kidneys, gonads C. Hypomere - smooth muscle and connective tissue coats of digestive tract - linings of coelomic cavities - serosa of the viscera and all mesenteries 3. Endoderm - epithelial lining of the intestine - gill pouches, gills, larynx, windpipe, lungs, tonsils, liver, gallbladder, bile duct, pancreas and urinary bladder

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