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Dead End Production

During the opening credits the camera pans from left to right The focus range during the opening credits doesnt change much The camera focuses on one side of the rope and then changes its focus onto the other The starting shot is filmed in a Big Close Up (BCU), this highlights the importance of the ropes The camera slowly starts to pan around the room showing cans of food and drinks left laying around but all while still following the ropes, all still in BCU The camera shots slowly start to come out of a BCU and into a Close Up (CU) when first introducing the actor and stays that way until the actor suddenly shoots up from his bed and shots becomes a BCU again As the actor gets out of his tent the camera shot quickly changed from CU The way the scenes at first cut between each other but the angle and height of the shot has stayed exactly the same

The camera shots slowly start to come out of a BCU and into a Close Up (CU) when first introducing the actor and stays that way until the actor suddenly shoots up from his bed and shots becomes a BCU again As the actor gets out of his tent the camera shot quickly changed from CU to a WS (wide shot) and then goes back to a CU but from a low angle to show the importance of the actor staying quiet Toward the end of the clip the shot is filmed in an over the shoulder (OTS) shot but also through a railing. The use of the OTS shot is to show the audience exactly what the actor can see but still include the actor. The key difference between the BCU of the actors face and the CU is it creates suspense for the audience and always works well in contrasting the drastic change of mood

Close up

Big close up

In the opening credits the pace of the editing is slow, which allows the audience to have time to read the titles being shown They edited the tittles to match the movement of the focus

When the camera focuses on the mans face and he firstly wakes up the editing is slow but when the man is alerted by his alarm system the pace of the editing changes quickly and the scene cut through instantly to a close up of the characters face At the end of the thriller the scene cuts quickly from the door handle turning to a black screen and the thrillers title instantly appears on the screen in a bold white which contrast the black background

There is no dialogue throughout this 3.05 minute clip At the start of the clip all you can hear is and eerie silence, and occasionally you can faintly hear muffled sounds from the unseen. By this being heard it creates a sort of suspense to the clip As the clip progresses the eerie muffled sounds seem to increase in volume which makes the situation feel slightly creepy About halfway through the clip the sound of a bell is introduced but the bell is still unseen, this represents an alert which gives a hint to the audience

(The unseen bell)

Lighting: The lighting throughout most of the clip is kept dark, this is because it gives the idea of hiding and isolation There is a sudden glimpse of strong sunlight when the shot is transferring between panning the room and giving the audience the first glance of the character Throughout the whole clip the lighting is kept dark because it highlights the key point that the character is in hitting and trying to be as isolated and secretive as possible Costume&Makeup: The costume and makeup in this clip are kept simple, the actor is wearing a yellow jacket and black trousers. Wearing simple clothes shows the character is a normal guy and isnt trying to stand out, but also wearing a rain jacket indoors symbolises that he is not in a normal situation

Actors: There is only one actor in this thriller, this highlights the idea that this specific character is trying his best to stay hidden from someone Although the character is not seen through the whole thriller his key parts emphasise his fear and nervous which creates a good suspense in the thriller Set: The setting of the clip shows that the room the character is hiding out in could be somewhere abandoned The room is large, all made out of wood which indicates that it is an old building, this creates more mystery in the clip Because all the windows are covered up it makes emphasises the concept of abandonment the set is trying to point out

Wooden room

Props: The props used in the clip show that the character has been hiding out in the room for quite a while, having the floor cover in empty food and drink cans highlights the idea of isolation Also the props used seem to be modern day products so it hints to the audience what sort of era this thriller has been set in The use of the string in the thriller may seem confusing at the start of the thriller but as the thriller progresses it unfolds a vital piece of information to the audience which is the character is expecting someone to try and find him and this will alert him Finally when the bell goes off signalling the character that there may be an intruder, the man bends down and picks up and axe. Now this prop is key because is emphasises the concept of danger that may or may not enter the thriller Axe

Empty cans of food and drink

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