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Scope of Communication

1. Influence Information is power. One purpose of communication is to influence people.

2. Decision making:
For arriving at a decision , several kinds of communication are needed e.g exchange of information exchange of views exchange of available alternatives.

3. Information Sharing : To transmit information from a source to target individuals or groups. Types of information transmitted in an organization: Policies and rules Changes and development Fast diffusion of information

4. Feedback : On the employees Achievements On their performance To the higher management on the fulfillment of goals Difficulties encountered. It motivates people in developing challenging and realistic plans.

5. Problem solving : Between management and the unions Group meetings to find out solutions of issues Diagnosing alternative solutions (if one plan is not successful) To evolve a consensus.

6 .Making Liaison: It helps to build linkages of the organization with the outside world\with other organizations. To build relationships For networking.

1. Conveying the right message Right message to the right person Well understood Accepted by the receiver in the right perspective It should carry the same intended meaning resulting in effective action.

2. Good industrial relations: As it conveys the feelings, ideas, opinions of one party to the other. Management and subordinates come closer Dispel any misunderstandings Promotes co-operation and good relations

3. Effectiveness of policies: Polices made for the workforce Proper communication required for the execution of task\work to achieve organizational objectives. Effective system of communication for success

Communication is important
Generally for Job placement Performance Career development Organizational success. Good speaker has good influence

Various forms of Organizational Communication

Three categories of communication in business 1. Internal Communication 2. External Communication 3. Personal Communication

1. Internal Communication: To achieve organizational goals Each employee working for his assigned task Coordination information required for harmonious and unified efforts Database of all employees\about company entered already for information Department to department Employee to employee

2 . External Communication : Relations outside the organizationwith suppliers, service providers, customers, contractors . Marketing Brochures Telephone call backs Advertisement through Radio ,TV, Internet PRO-

3. Personal Communication: Sharing of knowledge\feelings\emotions Social animals-Strangers do communicate In waiting room In caf\in lunch timings employees communicate It shows attitudes, behaviors, beliefs Willingness to work Direct influence on work makes environment of the organization

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