Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal Politeknik Sultan Azlan Shah

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Analyze appropriately the piston

engine combustion process

Operating cycle of an internal combustion engine is

complicated. Closely approximates the real cycle. Air-standard cycle simplest & most idealistic Used air as the working medium Known as ideal cycle, engine-ideal engine

The working medium is assumed to be a perfect gas and

follows the relation of pV=mRT No change in the mass of the working medium All the process that constitute the cycle are reversible Heat is assumed to be supplied from a constant high temperature source & not from chemical reaction during the cycle Some heat is assumed to be rejected to a constant low temperature sink during the cycle Assume no heat losses from the system to the surroundings Working medium- constant specific heats throughout the cycle Physical constant same as those for air standard atmospheric conditions

Specific heat at constant volume the rate of change of

internal energy with respect to absolute temperature

Constant Volume graph

Specific heat at constant pressure is the rate of change

of specific enthalpy with respect to absolute temperature


Constant Pressure graph

The ratio of the total cylinder volume when the piston

is at BDC, Vt to the clearance volume, Vc.

The cubic capacity of a four-stroke spark ignition

engine is 245 cc. The clearance volume is 27.2 cc. calculate the compression ratio of the engine. (Ans: 10)

The cubic capacity of a four-stroke spark ignition

engine is 245 cc. The clearance volume is 27.2 cc. calculate the compression ratio of the engine. (Ans: 10)
Solution: 1 + (Vs/Vc) = 1 + (245/27.2)

The ratio between the useful output of a device and

the input. The device is heat.

Otto cycle process:

1 to 2 : isentropic compression 2 to 3 : reversible constant volume heating, the heat supplied Q1 3 to 4 : isentropic expansion 4 to 1 : reversible constant volume cooling, the heat rejected Q2

Ideal Otto cycle

Actual Otto cycle

The heat supplied, Q23 at constant volume between T2

and T3 is given by the following equation,

The heat rejected, Q41 per unit mass at constant

volume between T4 and T1 is given by the equation,

Since process 1-2 and 3-4 are isentropic, use the

following equation

Where r = compression ratio, then


Diesel cycle process:

1 to 2 : isentropic compression 2 to 3 : reversible constant pressure heating, the heat supplied Q1 3 to 4 : isentropic expansion 4 to 1 : reversible constant volume cooling, the heat rejected Q2

The heat supplied, Q23 at constant pressure between T2

and T3 is given by the following equation,

The heat rejected, Q41 per unit mass at constant

volume between T4 and T1 is given by the equation,


Since process 1-2 and 3-4 are isentropic, use the

following equation

Where r = compression ratio and considering the

constant pressure process 2-3,

Where rc = cut-off ratio


Ratio of specific heats Cut-off ratio

Compression ratio

Dual cycle process: 1 to 2 : isentropic compression 2 to 3 : reversible constant volume heating, the heat supplied Q1 3 to 4 : reversible constant pressure heating, the heat supplied 4 to 5 : isentropic expansion 5 to 1 : reversible constant volume cooling, the heat rejected Q2

The heat supplied, Q23 at constant volume between T2

and T3 and Q34 at constant pressure between T3 and T4 is given by the following equation,

The heat rejected, Q51 per unit mass at constant

volume between T5 and T1 is given by the equation,

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