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What is Forest Destruction?

Forest Destruction or Deforestation is the clearance of naturally occurring forests by logging and burning. It is the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area.

Why Deforestation Happens?

We need to use the woods from the trees to make tissue paper, toilet paper, furniture etc.

Why Deforestation Happens?

To construct more buildings on the empty land. To clear the land for cattle, horses or chicken farms. To grow vegetable, rice and other food for more and more human beings.

Causes of Deforestation
Deforestation happens due to either natural or human related causes.

Causes of Deforestation
Human Related Cause:
Agriculture; Urban sprawl; Unsustainable forestry practices; and Mining and petroleum exploration

Causes of Deforestation
Natural Cause:
Tsunamis; Forest fires; Volcanic eruptions; Glaciation; and Desertification.

What is Forest Fire???

A forest fire or wildfire is an unplanned or unwanted natural or person-caused fire which requires suppression action.

It can be Natural or.....

Human caused

Why Trees Matter?

50 million creatures live by trees. If we do not have trees, many animals may become extinct.

For the indigenous people who live in the forests, the forest is their home, source of food, shelter, nourishment, recreation, culture, and livelihood.

Why Trees Matter?

Trees improve the quality of air, regulate the Earths climate, prevent erosion and landslides. Trees provide medicines and herbs.

Effects of Deforestation
Because of deforestation,the environment is forcing orangutans populations into smaller areas, which cannot support them.

Number left: between 20,00027,000 and it is dropping. Its reproductive rate is very slow, possibly once every 8 to 9 years.

Effects of Deforestation
Bengal Tiger Deforestation has forced much of the Bengal Tigers preys, such as deer, antelopes, buffalo etc. to leave the place. Bengal Tigers main danger: Its habitat destruction through agricultural expansion, new roads and human settlements.

Increase in Global warming and Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions Tropical rainforests are disappearing causing alterations to the climate Each day at least 80,000 acres (32,300) hectares of these forests disappear from the earth Ozone depletion Forest fires (release about 370 million tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year) Deforestation rates in the Amazon Rainforests have not slowed

Economic Implications
Industries are over-using and over-cutting trees for prosperity and mostly for profit Rapid globalization around the world is a major concern Increase in Supply & Demand Since the population around the world is constantly growing on a daily basis, many corporations are clearing forests to build infrastructures Poverty stricken countries give their natural resources away to earn foreign currency to pay off loans

-A typical four square mile patch of rainforest contains as many as 1,500 flowering plants, 750 species of trees, 400 species of birds and 150 species of butterflies. -Originally, 6 million square miles of tropical rainforest existed worldwide. But as a result of deforestation, only 2.6 million square miles remain.

-Every second, a slice of rainforest the size of a football field is mowed down. That's 86,400 football fields of rainforest per day, or over 31 million football fields of rainforest each year.
-In the Brazilian Amazon 60-70% of deforestation results from cattle ranches while the rest mostly results from small-scale agriculture.

~~~ If everybody does not stay ignorant and take little steps or solutions to prevent deforestation from occurring in the future, then overall we all will have a better world to live in. ~~~ Reduce wasteful land use practices Improve already developed lands Businesses and corporations have to be more aware of the effects that deforestation causes and they have to take little initiatives to prevent it from increasing Governments have to make citizens aware of the issue Each person can plant trees once in a while to maintain the ecosystem Groups can be formed to decrease deforestation

You Can Make A Difference !


BY Durante, Ken Sheltiel Amo, Matthew Louise Monteser, Gerson Obmerga, Charmie Layne

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