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The Roman Republic

509 B.C. Rome becomes a republic.

218 B.C. In the Second Punic War, Hannibal invades Italy.

284 Diocletian, who will divide the Roman Empire, becomes emperor.

500 B.C.

264 B.C. The First Punic War with Carthage begins.

44 B.C. Conspirators kill Julius Caesar.

476 Western Roman Empire falls with the ouster of the last emperor, Romulus Augustulus.

Romes growth and decline over the years.

According to legend, Rome was founded Romulus and Remus, twin sons of Mars

Ancient Rome-3 Groups

Latins-Farmers, Shepherds Settled Latium (on Tiber River) Built original settlement at Rome First Romans

Ancient Rome-3 Groups

Greeks-Settled southern Italy and Sicily Prosperous in trade and business

Ancient Rome-3 Groups

Etruscans-Northern Italy Skilled metalworkers/engineers

Rome, in the beginning, was a monarchy

King was the head of the religion and held most of the power. Etruscan Kings
Romans declared they would never again be ruled by a king! Romans establish a new government called a republic res publica-public affairs. Power rests with the citizens who vote to select leaders.

Early Roman Republic

Patricians-Wealthy landowners who held most of the power. Inherited wealth and social status. Plebeians- Commoners, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population. They were citizens of Rome who could vote. Tribunes-representatives of the Plebeians who protected them from power of the Patricians.

So instead of a king, they had two consuls-this was the executive branch of the government. Each consul had to consult the other before acting and one could veto the other. Were patricians elected to one year terms

Supreme commanders of the military

Took care of daily affairs and kept other officials in line. Also presided over the Senate.

The Senate

A body of 300 patricians from the wealthiest families.

Served for life. Advised consuls, approved projects, did foreign policy.

Was the main power in Rome.

The Twelve Tables

The first written Roman law.

Made around 450 BC in response to plebians complaints that the patricians were forming and interpreting laws to their own benefit. They were written down on 12 bronze tablets that were posted in the Roman forum.

Heres a sampling from the Twelve Tables:

If someone is called to go to court, he is to go. If he doesn't go, a witness should be called. Only then should he be captured. If he shirks or flees, he should be captured. If illness or old age is an impediment, let him be given a carriage. If he doesn't want it, it should not be covered.
An obviously deformed child must be put to death.

If a father sells his son into slavery three times, the son shall be free of his father.
If a person dies intestate without heirs, the nearest male kinsman shall inherit. If there is no near male kinsmen, his clansmen shall inherit. If one has maimed another and does not buy his peace, let there be retaliation in kind.

Someone who breaks another's bone by hand or club must pay 300 sesterces; for a slave, 150; if he has done simple harm against another, 25. No dead man may be cremated nor buried in the City. Marriages between plebeians and patricians are forbidden. Men in the army may not wed until training is complete.

Someone who has brought a false claim shall be brought before three judges, and shall pay a double penalty.

Expands through trade and conquest! Romans defeat Etruscans in the North and Greek City-States in the South They now control the Italian Peninsula! 265 B.C.E.

Treatment of conquered territories varied, but was lenient: Some given full citizenship All rights except to vote Allies-must send troops to Rome and could not make treaties with any other state.

Location of Rome essential to trademerchants moved by land and sea Traded Roman wine and olive oil for other foods, raw materials, and manufactured goods from other lands. Biggest competitor-CARTHAGE!

Carthages areas of influence before the First Punic War.

The Punic Wars (3 of them)

264 B.C.-1st Punic War for control of Sicily (grain growing) and control of western Mediterranean Sea. Lasted 23 years Rome-VICTOR!

They werent all that far apart.

The Punic Wars (3 of them)

218 B.C.-2nd Punic War Hannibal (Carthage)-wanted revenge! 50,000 infantry, 9000 cavalry, and 60 elephants. Went through Spain and France to cross Alps and invade Rome. Defeated in 202 B.C. by Scipio Africanus (Rome)-attacked Carthage forcing Hannibal to return from Italy-VICTOR ROME!

The Punic Wars (3 of them)

149-146 B.C.E.-3rd Punic War Carthage no longer threat, but Romans wanted revenge. Siege of Carthage-set afire and its 50,000 residents sold into slavery-land salted

Romes victory over Carthage gave it control over the western Mediterranean Rome then took over eastern halfMacedonia, Greece, and parts of Anatolia. By 70 B.C.E. the empire stretched from Anatolia to Spain! #2 on p. 145

The Roman Empire brings Change!

Problems with expansion Gap between rich and poor! 1/3 of the population were slaves Small farmers could not compete with large landowners Class tensions lead to collapse of the Republic.

Gracchus Brothers
Tiberius and Gaius Their mother was the daughter of Scipio Tribunes (Plebians) Proposed reforms to help the poor Both met violent deaths Period of Civil War followed! Rise of politically powerful military leadersJulius Caesar.

Julius Caesar
At first, ruled with Crassus and Pompey as the first Triumvirate. Caesar-strong leader and military geniusconquered all of Gaul-popular with the people of Rome. Ordered by Senate to disband his legions and return home-he defies Senate and leads a civil war against Pompey. Wins-appointed Dictator for Life by Senate

Julius Caesar
Rules with Absolute Power-total control Reforms: Citizenship to people in the provinces Expanded the Senate Helped poor by creating jobs through construction of new buildings Started colonies so landless could have land Increased pay for soldiers. Caesar assassinated in Senate chamberBrutus and Cassius-many troubled by his growing power and feared losing their own power!

The Second Triumvirate Civil War after death of Julius Caesar destroyed what was left of the Republic

Caesars Grand-Nephew

Mark Antony


The 3 ruled for 10 years-Executed many senators to put down opposition

Octavian and Mark Antony lead Roman Legions in battle against the legions of Brutus and Cassius

Antony goes on victory tour-Meets Cleopatra

Octavian and Mark Antony are VICTORIUS!Cassius & Brutus commit suicide. Octavian returns to Rome

Queen of Egypt Captures heart of Mark Antony

Mark Antony
Follows her to Egypt Accused by Octavian of plotting against Rome-outlawed by Senate

Declares war on Cleopatra Defeats combined forces of Mark Antony & Cleopatra

Antony & Cleopatra

Antony-Kills himself with a sword CleopatraCommits suicide (Poison/Asp)

Octavian-The unchallenged ruler of Rome Becomes AUGUSTUS-The exalted one 27 B.C.E. to 180 C.E. Peace reigned throughout the Empire Pax Romana During this time: Empire was 3 million square miles, population of 60-80 million, 1 million in Rome itself!

p. 150-152
Who were the 5 good emperors? How did they appoint their successors? Who were 3 of the bad emperors? What was wrong with them? What is the paterfamilias? What could he do? What rights did women have? How were female children named? How was education different for boys and girls? How were government and religion linked? What are bread and circuses? Why were they necessary? By A.D. 250, how many holidays per year were there?

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