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EG 1003 Section B1 Date: 10.27.11 Todays Date: 11.08.

11 Yaniv Azar, Richard Cheung, Danny Liu

Experimental Objective Introduction Background Information Materials Procedure Data/Observations Results Conclusion

Build and design a container that minimizes the heat lost by the egg with the highest minimal design ratio. Learn about

heat as a form of energy how heat is transferred minimal design

Heat insulation help keeps heat in when the temperature is cold and keep cool when temperature is hot. Found in clothes, homes, and thermos. Heat transfer is the exchange of thermal energy. Occurs naturally and can be found in heating systems to warm homes.

Forms of energy

Heat, Light, Kinetic, Potential, Mechanical, and Electrical

Primary focus in on heat energy

Heat transfer, the transfer of thermal energy of one body to another

Types of Heat Transfer

Conduction Convection Radiation


Transfer of energy through a solid Can be calculated by

Where: Q is defined as the heat transferred t is time k is the thermal conductivity constant A is area T is temperature d is the thickness of the barrier


Transfer of energy through a liquid or gas

Two types of convection
Natural and Forced

Can be calculated by
Where: Q is defined as the heat transferred t is time h is the convection constant A is area T is temperature

Natural Convection

Transfer of thermal energy through a liquid or gas without outside influences

Forced Convection

Transfer of thermal energy through a liquid or gas with outside influences


Thermal energy is released by a heated object in all directions Where: Q is defined as the heat transferred Can be calculated by t is time
A is area T is temperature

is the emissivity constant is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant

Thermodynamic System

Portion of space cut off from the universe by an imaginary boundary Three types of thermo systems
Open Closed Isolated

Open System

Container that has an opening Allows for transfer of mass and energy

Closed System

Container that is closed off Only allows for transfer of energy

Isolated System

Container that is closed off and insulated No transfer of mass or energy

Cost Table

Competition Ratio

Lowest ratio wins the competition

Large foam cup - $0.50 Lid - $0.25 Paper cup - $0.40 Styrofoam pieces - $0.05/6 pieces Tape - $0.10/ft Aluminum foil - $0.30/ft2 Plastic wrap - $0.02/ft2

Assess given materials Brainstorm ideas Sketch design


parts & measurements Create cost table Initials by TA

Build design
Test for the relative temperature in the work station

Place egg inside the design and start recording the data for 15 minutes Plot a graph using the data and find the slope in the last five minutes. TA photographs finished design Record competition data in a table Clean up & return all materials

Picture of the design

Cost Table
Unit Cost $0.5 $0.25 $0.05 Quantity 2 1 2 Total Cost $1.00 $0.25 $0.10

Item Large Foam Cup Lid Styrofoam Pieces

Plastic Wrap Total


$0.02 $1.37

Data recorded over the 15 minute period

The two graphs obtained from the data

Competition Results

Teams best MDR ratio

Team wasnt successful

Competition was lost


Decreasing the cost Using more Styrofoam Pieces Using one cup

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