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The outline of the study

The Background
Why firm need to stay competitive. The importance in forecasting. What factors are there to look into.

The Scenario
The uncertainties of changes. The vitality of an appropriate strategy.

The Title of the study

in competition condition and sustaining for competitive advantage: Case Study-Johor land Berhad.

Problem Statement
Less than 10% successful rate of formulated strategies Strategies fast obsolete period. Historical data recognizes hyper-competition condition. The survival.

Objectives of The Study

To verify the competitive issues for the firm in the industry. The essentials of a good strategies for Johor Land Berhad. The assessment of the firms financial performance. To provide the most adequate strategy to Johor Land Berhad.

Significant of the study

Determine strategic direction. Identify action accordingly to the direction. The recommendation of strategy/ies to Johor Land Berhad.

The Limitation
Time constraints Costs Accuracy

LR- Introduction
The function of a corporate strategy. The exploitation of firms abilities and resources. Being optimistic upon opportunity.

Changes in Business Environment

The requirement to position the influences respectively from strong to weak. The urgency to anticipate and response accordingly.

Theory of competitive advantage

It entails shapes and sizes, in the understanding the features. It helps in improving companys opportunity in gaining with the competition.

Theory of core competences

Part of strategic thinking. What a particular business was uniquely good at by comparison with its closest rivalry. (Selznick, 1957).

Real Estate Industry

Development with lower cost allows higher margin. However, differentiation strategy allows the development of unique skills & resources that able premium price induction. Particularly, it is essential to investigate the sustainable competitive advantage that will allow the organization to survive and prosper against competition.

The focus strategy can be adopted by differentiators or cost leaders, but differs in that it targets a market niche rather than the broad market Differentiation is usually costly. To be different, firm is said to invest in particular resource; tangible and intangible. This is to create unique in the sense of process, product and service offering better than competitors.

Cost Leadership
Seek to achieve above average returns. To attain relative cost advantage. The adverse of differentiation strategy.

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