Proteins and Amino Acids: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tarumanagara Univ. School of Medicine

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Proteins and Amino Acids

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tarumanagara Univ. School of Medicine.

Natural Proteins
Polymers consisting of widely varying numbers and combinations of about 22 individual amino acids linked by peptide bonds in various alignments and shapes.

Plants synthesize all 22 AAs. Animals synthesize only 11-14. Rest (8-11) are dietary essentials.

Peptide Bond
Bonds that couple the alpha carbonyl group of one amino acid residue to the alpha amino group of another residue.

Peptide bond

Classification of Proteins
- Based on shapes and solubilities I. Globular Proteins Soluble in water, dilute acids or bases or alcohol II. Fibrous Proteins Insoluble in water, resistant to digestive enzymes III. Conjugated Proteins Amino acids bound to some type of non-amino group

Proteins Differ Greatly in Quality

Quality of a protein is high if it contains all of the essential amino acids in the proper ratios for a specific animal.
Varies by: species, age, gender, productive function

Alpha Amino Acid

Acid =

= Carboxyl

Amino = NH2

General Structure

I. Globular Proteins
A. Albumins; Egg and Serum - Soluble in water - Coagulated by heat - Some contain carbohydrate (CHO) -Therefore, are conjugated proteins also. __________________

I. Globular Proteins
B. Globulins, 80% of oilseed proteins - Insoluble in water - Soluble in salt solutions, NaCl - Heat labile - Examples: fibrinogen, myosinogen, legumin of peas, glycinin in soybean, serum globulin (also a glycoprotein) __________________

I. Globular Proteins
C. Glutelins; corn, wheat, barley - Insoluble in water, neutral saline - Soluble in dilute acids or bases __________________ Prolamines - Soluble in ethanol - Examples: Zein in corn Hordein of barley Gliadins of wheat, rye _________________


I. Globular Proteins
E. Histones - Basic proteins - Excess of basic amino acids - Often combined with nucleic acids; DNA, RNA - Examples: globin, part of hemoglobin __________________

II. Fibrous Proteins

A. Collagens; skeletal connective tissue - Insoluble without treatment - Changed into digestible gelatins by boiling - Large amounts of hydroxyproline - No cystine, cysteine or tryptophan __________________

II. Fibrous Proteins

B. Elastins; tendons and arteries - Similar to collagens - Cannot be converted to gelatin - Poorly digested - High in lysine ________________

II. Fibrous Proteins

C. Keratins; feathers, hair, claws, beaks - Very insoluble & indigestible, zero - High cystine, 14-15% - Treatment with heat and pressure Cystine to 5-6% breaks S-S- bonds Digestibility to 70-80% __________________

III. Conjugated Proteins

A. Nucleoproteins - With nucleic acids - Examples ribonucleoprotein deoxyribonucleoproteins Mucoproteins - With mucopolysaccharides; i.e., glucosamine, galactosamine


III. Conjugated Proteins

C. Glycoproteins - < 4% CHO, hexose - Example: in egg albumin


Lipoproteins - Water soluble proteins with: lecithin cephalin cholesterol other lipids or phospholipids

III. Conjugated Proteins

E. Chromoproteins - simple protein to a colored prosthetic group - Examples: hemoglobin cytochromes flavoproteins visual purple of retina

Protein - Functions
1. Organs and soft tissues, muscle myofibrilar contractile 2. Structural proteins Collagen Elastin Keratin 3. Blood Globulins Albumin Globin Fibrinogen Lipoproteins

Protein - Functions
4. Body Metabolism
Enzymes digestive (Table 4.3) degradative (Table 9.5) synthesis, rapid to slow (See Table 9.4) Hormones Examples? Page. 128 PTH, _______, _______ Immune antibodies Hereditary transmission

Protein - Functions
5. Source of energy after deamination
(pp. 135-136 in Text) alanine PA + NH3 Also, AA, BA, VA, IVA

Amino Acids - Classification

(pp 121-122 in Text)
Neutral Aliphatic Aromatic Sulfur-containing Acidic


Neutral Amino Acids

1) Aliphatic Glycine Alanine

Serine Threonine Valine Leucine Isoleucine


Neutral Amino Acids

(2) Aromatic amino acids (a) Phenylalanine (b) Tyrosine

Neutral Amino Acids

(2) Aromatic amino acids (c) Tryptophan


Neutral Amino Acids

3) Sulfur-containing: AA + Thiol(s) Cysteine Alanine + HS

Cystine 2 Cysteines with -S-SMethionine

Neutral Amino Acids

(3) Sulfur-containing amino acids (a) Cystine (b) Cysteine

Neutral Amino Acids

(3) Sulfur-containing amino acids (c) Methionine

Acidic Amino Acids

2 Hydroxyl groups Aspartic Acid 4 Cs Glutamic Acid 5 Cs

Acidic Amino Acids

(1) Aspartic acid (2) Asparagine

Acid Amino Acids

(3) Glutamic acid (4) Glutamine

Basic Amino Acids

2 NH2s Arginine Histidine Lysine

Imino Amino Acids

NH2 not on alpha carbon Rings, pyrolidine Carboxylic acids

Imino Acids
(1) Proline

2) Hydroxyproline

L- and D-Amino Acids Schematic

Amino Acid Isomers

Biological Activity
Animal Tissues All 22 are L-isomers. D- have no function.
Diet All must be L-isomers except: D-Methionine, up to 50% of methionine requirement D-Threonine, up to 25%. D-Tryptophan, 60% for pig

Amino Acid Isomers

Biological Activity
Synthetic AAs Via recombinant DNA technology Most sold as salts: Lysine HCl = 78.8% L-Lysine Lysine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Methionine MHA, 80-100% relative activity

Essential/Nonessential AAs
All 22 are required for protein synthesis/metabolism
Dietary essential/Indispensable = Those not synthesized in animal tissues of most species in sufficient amounts to meet metabolic needs without being added to diet. Others are nonessential. Varies by: Species Stage of life cycle Productive function Maintenance vs milk

Essential Amino Acids, Rats Rose, 1948

PVT TIM HALL A H I L L M P T T V Arginine Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Threonine Tryptophan Valine

Essential Amino Acids

A H I L L M P T T V Arginine Histidine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Phenylalanine Threonine Tryptophan Valine B B N N B N-S N-R N N-R N

Essential Amino Acids

A H I L L M P T T V T P Arginine for maintenance Histidine for maintenance Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine/Cystine Phenylalanine/Tyrosine Threonine Tryptophan Valine Taurine Cat Proline (-Amino sulfonic)

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