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Phylum Annelida

Group. 5 BSMT-2A
Juanito, Marie April Gonzales, Irish Francisco, Jeremy Qui, Roy

What is Annelida?
Annelids means

little rings (segmented worms) Distinguished by segmentation and body cavity Range in length from 1mm-3m Bilaterally symmetrical

What is Annelida?
They have

Digestive tract Ability to survive in moist environments Possess 3 separate sections: prosomium (mouth), trunk, and pygiduim (tail)

Skeletal System
Coelum: fluid-filled cavity that separates

gut from body wall; creates hydrostatic pressure and acts as hyrostatic skeleton Hydrostatic skeleton (most primitive skeletal system)

Circulatory System
True closed circulatory system Two main vessels:

a.) dorsal blood vessel: blood moves anteriorly b.) Ventral blood vessel: blood moves posteriorly Aortic arches (Heart) a.) dark, expanded structures on either side of esophagus b.) only function in pumping blood from the dorsal to the ventral vessel

Digestive and Excretory System

Annelids break down organic material to

create rich soil Have mouth that connects directly to the anus without an intermediate stomach a.) allows annelids to continuously eat and excrete waste as they burrow down through the soil

Reproductive System
Normally sexual

Asexual reproduction: part of their tail is

released which grows in to a new organism (fission) Sexual reproduction: fluids are transferred from the male pore to the female ovipore

Nervous System

brain (ganglionic mass) connected by a ring of nerves to a ventral nerve cord that runs the length of the body Sense organs include eyes, taste buds, tactile tentacles, and organs of equilibrium calles statocysts

Phylum Classes
1. Polychaeta class

2. Oligochaeta class
3. Hirudinea class

There are commonly known as bristle

worm All are marine Manny are burrowing, others are free swimming or crawling or tibiculous They are spawned through metanephridia Fertilization is external Development includes trochophore larva

In terms of reproductive system, they are

unisexual, most segments bear gonads in most species, gonoducts is absent, gametes are shed into ceolom, fertilization is external

More About Polychaeta. . .

Head is distinct with

sensory strucrures like eyes, antennae and palps. Clitellium is absent. Each segment has a pair of lateral outgrowths of the body wall called parapodia. (Parapodia bears bundles of setae)

More About Polychaeta. . .

Examples: Neries (sandworm),

Chaetopherus (Paddleworm), Eunice (Paloloworm)

Second class of annelida; the name means

few bristles They are terrestrial earthworms; fresh water; marine water species In terms of reproductive oligochaeta are bisexual and copulation, gonads are present segments, gonoducts are present Development is direct

few are

system, perform in few

More About Oligochaeta. . .



absent Eyes are absent, but photoreceptors are present in epidermis Clitelium develops during maturity

More About Oligochaeta. . .

Examples: Pheretima, Lumbricus,


Leeches include in this class

Majority live in fresh water; few in marine

water; some are terrestrial Blood sucking ectoparasites Few are carnivorous predators fertilization is internal and development is direct These are bisexual and perform copulation

In terms of reproductive system,

gonads is present in few segments, gonaducts are present, cirrus is present

More About Hirudinea. . .

They have fixed

no. of segments that shows superficial annuli Clitelium is conspicuous during reproductive period They have an anterior sucker and posterior sucker that is helpful for

More About Hirudinea. . .

Appendages are absent

Ocelli are present

Ceolom is filled with excretory tissue or

nutritive material called botroyoidal tissue

More About Hirudinea

Examples: Hirudinaria, Hirudo,

Haemadipsa, Pontobdella

The End

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