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The Tanka

Or The five-lined love letter (sort of)

Some History
Much older than the Haiku Dates back about 1300 years Famous for being used as thank-you notes between lovers after an outing

Oh, yeah
In a culture where it was expected and accepted, one lover would send a thank-you-for-that-goround tanka. Then the other lover would promptly reply with a tanka of his/her own.

Even though such things were expected, it was still done in secret. It could be written on a fan or on a paper that was tied to the stem of a flower for covert delivery.

We will only be practicing the format NOT the setting.

Yes, This was Popular

Worthy lover = skilled tanka writer. Tanka contests called


Around 700 AD, emperors ordered anthologies be made. More tankas than any other poetic form.

More History

The tanka form was also part of a popular poemgame One poet would write the first three lines Another poet would finish it with the final two lines Repeat. This was called tan renga which means linked poem The tanka was also used when a poet wanted to commemorate a significant event.


31 syllables divided into 5 lines:

Line Line Line Line Line 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 5 7 5 7 7 syllables syllables syllables syllables syllables Basically a haiku

Like the haiku, the tankas traditionally deals with nature and seasons, called kigo, but unlike the haiku, the tanka emphasizes the feelings of the author Sometimes, in the third line would be an image or an idea that would link the subject of the first two lines with the subject of the final two lines, thus drawing a connection between the two ideas.

Violence or images of war are not considered proper, nor is humor or satire. Some believe it is more important to conserve the content and simplicity of the intent of the poem than adhere to the syllable format, which are not equivalent to the Japanese on

Since the nightingale kept soundless, its songs echo renders me stone deaf. If it would know my sorrow would it maybe sing again?
~Vasile Moldovan Can you find all of its parts?

(5-7-5-7-7 syllables) Images in first and last two lines Focus on both nature and feelings


Since the nightingale kept soundless, its songs echo renders me stone deaf. If it would know my sorrow would it maybe sing again? ~Vasile Moldovan Image in line 3

in the check-out line a worn face ahead of me turns tentatively realities of desire fade in final reckoning ~George Knox

Two Famous Tanka Writers

Izumi Shikibu
If completely cold were we and had ended it, forgetting you would come easily.

Ono no Komachi
Did he appear Because I fell asleep Thinking of him? If only Id known I was dreaming Id never have wakened.



My longing for you too strong to keep within bounds. At least no one can blame me when I go to you at night along the road of dreams. ~Ono no Komachi

I know it must be this way in the waking world, but how cruel even in my dreams we hide from others eyes.
~Ono on Komachi



Have one person read the poem aloud to your group and record your responses on a discussion concerning:
Syllable count (on) Kigo Emotional Responses

Create your own structured tanka using kigo and personal emotions You will share some of your tanka with the class

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