Role and Importance of Listening

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Importance and Role of Listening Skills in Business Communication

Presented By:
50 - Sudhir Sharma 52 - Sevitha Shetty 54 - Khushal Thakkar 56 - Kirti Thosar 58 - Vasu Vemuri 60 - Vishwanath Srinivas

Introduction & Process of Listening - Vishwanath - Sevitha Types of listening skills Khushal Barriers of listening -skills - Kirti How to improve listening skills - Sudhir What Speakers Can Do to Ensure Better Listening - Vasu Business Scenarios where listening skills are imp.

To begin with....Reality Check

Most of us have developed as business people in organizational cultures that emphasize the persuasiveness of the speaker. We've spent countless hours, and a great deal of money, attending to our appearance, business dress, body language, facial expression, selection of language, tone of voice, charts, graphs, and on and on. The importance of these factors is not denied. However, they're communication. not the only factors influencing

And are they powerful enough, when we're trying to get the best from a diverse group of people, build a customer-focused organization, or influence those who disagree with us?


A Husbands Nightmare!!!!

Why is Listening so important ?

Study that shows average time spent by a personnel on a wo

Others; 19% Listening; 33%

Writing; 23% Speaking; 26%

Why is Listening so important ?

Helps in taking instructions correctly without any errors Solve customers complaints more effectively From 95% of communication, 45% is of listening

An essential management and leadership skill

Good listening helps you to take better decisions and make better policies in organization On the contrary lack of proper listening can lead to embarrassing situations because of a gap in coordination and understanding

The Process.....
Selecting Choosing Stimuli

Hearing Receiving data

Attending Focusing Attention

Responding Feedback

Understanding Assigning Meaning Evaluating Analyzing and Judging

Informative Listening Appreciative Listening Discriminative Listening

Types Of Listening

Empathic Listening

Critical Listening


Kinds of Listeners



Effective listening is arguably one of the most important skills to have nowadays. Personal relationships need effective listening skills to face complicated issues together. Business people and employees need effective listening skills to solve complex problems quickly and stay competitive. Students and professors need it to understand complex issues in their fields. Thus, it is beneficial if we can understand and eliminate listening barriers that blocks deep, harmonious and lasting relationships.


Barriers to listening take many forms. It is inevitable that barriers will exist in any interaction, but anything which stops concentration, allowing the mind to wander off the topic, must be recognized and overcome if fully successful communication is to take place.


Common Barriers to Listening

Distraction in your mind Wandering attention Planning a reply Lack of interest

Common Barriers to Listening

.Being self centered .Avoiding what is difficult .Excessive note-taking .Emotional blocks

Common Barriers to Listening

Looking for every opportunity to interrupt Impatience External noise and disturbance Poor health


Ways to Improve Your Listening

1) Increase your listening span:

Do not interrupt Let speaker to complete If you don't get , ask the speaker to repeat

2) Be prepared to listen:

Gather relevant information


Ways to Improve Your Listening

3) Take time to listen:

Don't put limitations on your listening time

4) Use Thinking-Speaking time difference:

Mentally summarize & review

5) Be Objective:

Do not make judgment too fast


Ways to Improve Your Listening

6) Listen between the lines:
Don't just listen to what is being said Try to understand the attitudes, needs and motives behind the words

7) Listen for ideas as well as facts

Understand what the facts Practice of Listening


Ways to Improve Your Listening

8) Give your full attention:
let the speaker know you are interested Look for speakers main idea If the speaker pauses briefly, don't rush to fill the silence Use open-ended questions to encourage elaboration


Ways to Improve Your Listening

9) Restate the message (Feedback):
When speaker finished, restate the main points good organizing strategy for you It also gives the speaker assurance that the message has been received


Ways to Improve Your Listening

10) Don't monopolize:
Resist the urge to dominate a situation or to feel that you know everything about a situation Be open to new ideas and allow the speaker to have his or her say

11) Use of Verbal & Non-verbal cues:

Eye contact Nodding head Casual remark


What Speakers Can Do to Ensure Better Listening


Business Scenarios where listening skills are important

Listening skills are imperative for Career success, Organizational effectiveness, and Employee satisfaction. In professional environment Active listening is generally employed Workplace listening includes understanding the listening process and its barriers that hamper the flow of listening process Note: Listening Process = Perception, Interpretation, Evaluation, and Action Like other skills, there are specific techniques for improving workplace listening effectiveness. It is imperative to become aware of the role of nonverbal communication in communicating in the workplace, as understanding messages wholly entails more than simple verbal 22 messages.

Role & Importance of listening while communicating with

Seniors Peers Subordinates Customers Suppliers



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