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The Important of Proper Management of Development Activities and the Ecosystem

1.Sustainable development is the balance between the demands for resources with the need to conserve the resources. 2.Human activities that are harmful to the environment have a serious environmental impact.

1.Implementation of laws 2.Use of technology 7.The efficient use of energy Measures taken in the management of development activities

6.The use of renewable energy

3.Education on the management of resources

5.The practice of biological control

4.Preservation and conservation of the natural resources

Implementation of laws

Laws are created to protect the environment.

a)Environmental Quality Act, 1974, 1985 Prevents and controls pollution. b)National Forestry Act, 1984 Protects and preserves our forests and wildlife. c)Pesticides Act, 1974 Controls the use of pesticides. d)Protection of Wildlife Act, 1972 Protects wildlife. e)Fisheries Act, 1985 Controls marine pollution

Use of technology

Use of technology
1. Modern technology can be used to reduce pollution and prevent further damage of the environment. 2. Rubbish can be sorted into recyclable materials and nonrecyclable materials. Non-recyclable materials can be burnt in incinerators where heat produced can be reclaimed and used in heating or to generate electricity. 3. Catalytic converters are used to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxides emitted and to convert harmful gases released during combustion if fossil fuels into less harmful products. 4. Unleaded petrol can be used to replace leaded petrol. 5. Filters are fixed on chimneys of factories to reduce the amount of pollutants. 6. Sewage is treated before it discharged into water. 7. Bacteria can be used to breakdown oil which is spilled in the sea.

Recycling means collecting and segregating waste according to the types of materials and turning this waste into new products. Reuse means use things such as old plastic containers and bottle again for other purposes instead of throwing them away. Reduce means cutting down on the use of materials. For example, the use of plastic bags which are non-biodegradable should be reduced. Instead, use paper bags which are biodegradable and environment friendly. Recover means to harness heat energy from the burning of materials or refuse in factories or incineration plants. This heat energy can be used to generate electricity.

1.Preservation involves efforts to protect the ecosystem to maintain its dynamic equilibrium. 2.Conservation involves efforts to return an affected ecosystem back to its dynamic equilibrium. 3.Measure that are taken include: a)Control of grazing by animals b)Farming along contours c)Crop rotation d)Cultivation on terraces e)Proper use of fertilizers f)Effective irrigation and drainage4.Water sources must be preserved to ensure clean water supply. 4.Mangrove swamps are rich in biodiversity. Mangrove swamps are important in flood control, nutrient retention, sediment control and prevention of coastal erosion. Efforts must be made to preserve and conserve the mangrove swamps.

Renewable energy
1)Renewable energy is the energy flow that occurs naturally in the environment and be harnessed for the benefit of humans. 2)It is inexhaustible and does not pollute the environment. 3)Renewable energy are: Solar energy Wind energy Geothermic energy Hydroelectric energy Biomass energy Wave energy 4)Non-renewable energy like fossil fuels will be exhausted and cannot be renewed if its usage is not controlled. 5)Use natural gas and reduce combustion of fossil fuels. 6)Invention of the hybrid and electric cars can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

The efficient use of energy

Reduce the burning of coal, petroleum and other fossil fuels. Substitute natural gas for coal at power plants. Improve fuel efficiency in vehicles-use cars that run on energy-efficient engines. Use a cleaner fuel by reducing the content of sulphur in diesel and switching to gas. Improve energy efficiency in factories. Use more hybrid cars which combine electric and gasoline engines.

Biological control
Biological control is the use of natural predators to control the population of pest species. Example: The breeding of owls to control the rat population in oil palm estate. The use of female insects lchneumor that produce larvae which feed the caterpillars that bore into the paddy stems. The use of guppy fish to eliminate mosquito larvae.

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