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Professional Standards

Primary School

The following presentation is based on the ten national Standards for Primary School teachers. These standards define the attitudes and aspects that teacher must take into consideration to facilitate achieving an specific goal or objective at the end of a semester or at the end of the year.

Standard 1:

To know students from prymary education and know how they learn.

Standard 2:

To be prepared to promotote the personal and social development of the students

Standard 3:

To know the primary school curriculum and use its differents curricular instruments to analise and fomulate pedagogical and evaluative proposals.

Standard 4:

To know how to design and apply teaching-learning strategies, appropiate for the learning objectives and context.

Summary standard 4
The teacher is focused on the learning objectives being coherent with the national curriculum Activities are planned taken into consideration, interests, previous knowledge and even previous results. For these two elements, teachers must consider the following aspects: 1. varied timing 2. strategies, activities and use of resources which are effective and coherent to the learning objectives. 3. objectives are set up and each stage is planned carefully 4. the teacher recognizes the danger in using planning out of context, and takes into account students characteristics to adapt the lessons and evaluations. 5. use of TICs inside and outside the classroom

Standard 5:

He is prepared for doing the class and create a proper environment for learning according to the context.

Summary standard 5
The following elements must be always revised into a teachers doings inside the classroom: To create warm environments to stimulate participation and learning Ask stimulating questions that make students think rather than repeat contents. He is constantly rewarding or motivating students. Applies proper non-verbal communication (body posture, voice) Good classroom management, especially with large groups (set of rules, routines) Efficient use of time (internal or external issues e.g interruptions, material, equipment)

Standard 6:

To know how to apply assessment methods to observe the progress of the students and to know how to use the results for giving feedback about the learning and practice pedagogical.

Summary Standard 6
Use of formal and informal evaluation to give better and broader opportunities to the acquisition of teh language. Use of different types of strategies as a way to cover procedural, conceptual and attitudinal functions of the contents. Each assessment must have a specific purpose, something that students have to know before hand. Use of feedback after each activity as a way to enrich learning process. Mistakes must be used as tools to improve

Standard 7:

To know how to generate and transform the school culture.

Important roll in the educational community.

1.- Types of culture. 2.-quality work. 3.- High expectations 4.- Respect

Summary standard 7
The future teacher understands the role that plays in the school culture. The teacher recognizes different types of culture they can be developed in a classroom; as well the educator is prepared to generate a culture of respect, responsibility and confidence. The professor is aware of the importance to establish high expectations, encourage them to improve in different aspects. The teacher makes a constant effort to realize a work of high quality, where he/she compromise themselves to the learning and formation of the students. In this process students themselves testify to this power of school culture to change how they experience school and approach their work.

To be prepared to pay attention to the diversity Standard and promote the 8: Education is a right integration .
for all students. 1.- Respect & influence. 2.- Appreciate diversity. 3.- Modify the process of learning. 4.- Integration 5.- Strategies to incorporate inclusion

Summary standard 8
The teacher understands that Education is a right for all students. -Another important factor is diversity, for the reason that is considered as a useful source for the development of any educational communities. Here, the teacher is prepared to design, help and evaluate different strategies in order to produce equal opportunities avoiding discrimination. -The future teacher shows respect for each student, their family and their community and acts considering the influence on his actions, decisions and judgments can have in the affective and social development of the students. -The teacher respects and appreciates diversity of their students according to the gender, religion, belief, nationality and disability avoiding discrimination. -The teacher modifies the process of teaching according to the different characteristics of the students. The teacher knows the concept of inclusion, the different strategies to incorporate it, providing pedagogical resources to stimulate the development of their respective strengths and autonomies.

Standard 9:

To be effective in oral and written communication in different situations related to the teachers labor.

Communicative process: * oral & written skills 1.- Listen & interpret . 2.- Variety of resources (non verbal). 3.- Speaks & writes correctly. 4.- Dominates educational resources. 5.- Reads, understands & reviews different texts. 6.- To conceptualize, analyze, synthesize,

Summary standard 9
The Future teacher is aware of the crucial role that has Communication in the process of teaching and learning. Here, the educator is able to communicate in oral and written form in an appropriate manner. Teachers communicate by speaking, but also by writing. The future teacher listens and interprets different types of oral texts, where he/she is able to analyze them in a critical manner considering its context and organization. The educator speaks and writes correctly in different contexts, the main idea is to stimulate students to develop these skills. The teacher handles a variety of resources non- verbal such as gestures, facial expressions, postures, in order to support his/her speech in different communicative situation. The Teacher dominates various educational resources to encourage their students to expand their vocabulary, as well as to promote their language development. The teacher reads, understands and re-views different type of oral texts. Here the Educator develops the four skills in order to improve their professional training.

Standard 10:

To learn as in a continuous process ,reflecting on the practice and its insertion in the educational system.

Summary standard 10
Teachers must be aware of the fact that we continues learning throughout all our careers and lives. For that reason future teacher must follow the following practices: He observes, criticizes, analyses and argument in favor or against his own and other teachers pedagogical practice, he is prepared for it and sees it as a way to improve. (feedback) Works collaboratively with colleagues; is updated or sees when more training is necessary. He knows and understands the national educational system as well as the administrative system inside the institution. He possesses a strong ethics formation, recognizing the limits of his functions and also the huge responsibility not only in the academic but in the formation of values in students.

Illustrative Video

The video displayed above is an exemplary of common practises within the classroom. Some of them have been mentioned in this presentation as for good demostration of teaching practices or as to be analysed due to weaknesses in the teacher

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