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Yarely - With quickness or agility

"Eat with dispatch," he said, "and follow me yarely to

mine house."

Intestable :- Not legally qualified to make a will, as an infant or a lunatic

I understood that a man convicted by the verdict of his

country of housebreaking is infamous and intestable.

Pullulate :- To increase rapidly; multiply, to exist abundantly

Swept along by events, we have not had time to sketch

in the comic race of courtiers who pullulate at the court of Parma and passed droll comments on the events we have been recounting.

Sirocco :- Any hot, oppressive wind,

especially one in the warm sector of a cyclone.
The winter, with its cutting tramontana and sultry

sirocco days, we spent in the eternal city, taking rooms of an old woman who had a flat with stone floors and straw chairs in the via Torre Argentina

Abut :- touch or join at the edge or border, to end at

All these enclosures abut upon the river at one end,

and on a house at the other.

Torrefy :- To fire or intense heat, To roast,

as metallic ores.
A coffee-roaster answers for this purpose, taking care

not to torrefy them too much, as the oil of the nut suffers thereby, and it becomes a dark brown or black, grows bitter, and spoils the colour of the chocolate

Sabbatical :- Bringing a period of rest

The problem was his sabbatical, for which he had

been given a large additional foundation grant, would begin in the summer

Pullulate :- To exist abundantly; swarm;

To increase rapidly; multiply
Swept along by events, we have not had time to sketch

in the comic race of courtiers who pullulate at the court of Parma and passed droll comments on the events we have been recounting.

Virilocal :- Living with or located near a

husband's father's family.
By contrast, when marriage is virilocal, the ties

between married women and their natal groups are commonly attenuated.

Eisegesis :- Expresses the interpreter's

own ideas, bias, or the like
Attempts to see profound or subtle distinctions

between kinds of belief in these two lines border upon eisegesis.

Cosher :- To treat with special fondness

Skinny Guts was rarely known to shell out his money

for tucker when there were clan members at hand to Cosher himself upon.

Foist :- To force upon or impose

fraudulently or unjustifiably.
It's too bright, the sky is too big, and we're always

trying to foist our napalm off on Arizona

Decollete :- Wearing a low-necked garment

Since it was essential that a masquerade costume be

decollete, she had devised a backless costume, the front cut to display her over-full bust and with one long sleeve to cover her right arm.

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