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Public Relation

Prof. Deepika

Public relations (PR) Public Relations- a promotion intended to create goodwill for a person or institutions image. The term public relations was first used by the US President Thomas Jefferson during his address to Congress in 1807. One of the earliest definitions of PR was created by Edward Bernays. According to him, "Public relations is a management function which tabulates public attitudes, defines the policies, procedures and interest of an organization followed by executing a program of action to earn public understanding and acceptance."

MPPR 750 PR Textbook

Effective Public Relations (9th Edition) by Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center, Glen M. Broom


Finally, in 1982, the Public Relations Society of America came up with this very detailed definition:

One definition to consider:

Public relations is a planned process to influence public opinion, through sound character and proper performance, based on mutually satisfactory two-way communication.

Public relations is a growth industry in the 21st century!

In numbers:

PR is a multibillion-dollar business practiced by 158,000 professionals in the U.S. alone. Employment growth is increasing faster than average through the year 2012.

PR has grown rapidly across the globe, from Europe to China, Latin America to Africa.

Another definition from PRSA:

Public relations helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other. Public relations is an organizations efforts to win the cooperation of groups of people.

Public relations growth

In respect:

A 2005 survey of Fortune 1000 company executives revealed strong support for the practice.

250 U.S. colleges and universities offer PR degree programs to more than 20,000 majors.
Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) has 20,000 members in 116 chapters.

So what is public relations?

Lets define the field

What is public relations?


Public relations


A Funny Look at Defining Public Relations

Source: Ads of the


Modern-day examples

Corporations using marketing public relations (MPR) to convey information about the products they manufacture or services they provide to potential customers in order to support their direct sales efforts. Typically, they support sales in the short to long term, establishing and burnishing the corporation's branding for a strong, ongoing market. Corporations using public relations as a vehicle to reach legislators and other politicians, in seeking favorable tax, regulatory, and other treatment. Moreover, they may use public relations to portray themselves as enlightened employers, in support of human-resources recruiting programs. Non-profit organizations, including schools and universities, hospitals, and human and social service agencies: such organizations may make use of public relations in support of awareness programs, fund-raising programs, staff recruiting, and to increase patronage of their services. Politicians aiming to attract votes and/or raise money. When such campaigns are successful at the ballot box, this helps in promoting and defending their service in office, with an eye to the next election or, at a careers end, to their legacy.

Marstons four-step RACE model describes the PR process:

R = Research A = Action C = Communication E = Evaluation


No matter how PR is defined, two elements guide the process

1. Management
To succeed, PR must report to top management, unimpeded by any other group.

2. Action
True PR cannot take place without ethical, consistent action. No amount of persuasion will cover up for poor performance.


Sharpes five principles:

Honest communication for credibility

Openness and consistency for confidence Fairness of actions for reciprocity, goodwill 2-way communication to build relationships Research and evaluation to determine actions and adjust for social harmony


Public relations professionals serve as interpreters for the organization.

10-Second Quiz!

Who is that lady in the blue dress, and why is she with President Bush?

PR professionals serve as management interpreters

To publics, they interpret managements:

Philosophies Policies Programs Practices


And as public interpreters

To management, PR interprets the publics:

Opinions Needs Desires

Management needs to know what the public thinks about the organization and its practices!


Now its your turn

Can you think of recent events in which organizations were not correctly interpreting public views?

Ways to view our publics

Internal or external Primary or secondary Traditional and future Proponents, opponents, and the uncommitted


Ways to view our publics

Segmenting by values and lifestyles

Actualizers Fulfilleds Believers Achievers

Strivers Experiencers Makers Strugglers


Now its your turn

Who makes up the publics at your college or university?

How many do you belong to? Are they internal or external? How can they change?

Functions of Public Relations

They are numerous:

Writing Media relations Planning Counseling Research Publicity Marketing Communications Community relations

Consumer relations Employee relations Government affairs Investor relations Special publics relations Public affairs and issues management Web site development and interface

What are the components of public relations?

Lobbying Earned media Advertising Advertorials Public affairs (sort of) Investor relations


PR scenario in India

1990 was starting era of PR in Indian. Blue Lotus, an awarded agency, began in 2002. Significant in this time was the full buyout of Genesis by Burson Marsteller. The new century saw the birth of several indigenous agencies that had a fresh approach to PR including Creativizt Communications (established in 2004), which introduced the concepts of Online PR and Reputation Management to the Indian PR Industry and was recognized by industry watcher, Another agency, Life's Purple started from Guwahati.


After the economic slowdown and the resultant market crashes worldwide, several international PR agencies suffered enormous losses when clients cut back marketing budgets. On January 7, 2009, Ramalinga Raju, the erstwhile chairman of Satyam Ltd., India's leading IT firm, made an admission of conscious fraud & misreporting perpetrated by him over several years. The media who had praise him till then, suddenly turned on him with a vengeance, conscious that they had also failed in their duty as watchdogs of businesses November 2010 -'Radiagate' scam.

PR Education and academics in India

University of Mumbais Department of Communication and Journalism offers Master of Arts(M.A) degree course in Public Relations. Whistling Woods International's School of Communication (SOC) in Mumbai.

Stella Maris College provides with a full fledged Masters in Public Relations.
While some PR specialist courses exist in PRCIMS(backed by Perfect Relations), The Delhi School of Communication(Delhi), Xavier's Institute of Communications (Mumbai) and Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (Pune and Banglore), most of the courses are 27 combined with Journalism or Mass Communications.

Books and reports on public relations & branding

The Brand Trust Report, India Study, 2011 (ISBN 978-81920823-0-1) is published by Trust Research Advisory (TRA). The book is a result of a syndicated primary research on Brand Trust that generated 10,00,000 data points and 16,000 unique brands, from over 10,000 hours of fieldwork conducted in 9 cities. TRAs study partners in this research were Indian Statistical Institute and eNxt Financials. The research report is available in hardcase, paperback and e-book formats. The book is distributed by Embassy Book Distributors


PR Awards and Accolades

In an award instituted by India Public Relations and Corporate Communications Awards (IPRCCA). Blue Lotus Communications won the PR agency of the year (2011) in the awards inception year. Corporate Voice | Weber Shandwick also won awards in 3 categories the same year. The Holmes Report has awarded the consultancy of the year award for 2011 to Corporate Voice | Weber Shandwick.[20] Corporate Voice Weber Shandwick's campaign for Gillette India won India's first PR Lion at Cannes in 2010.

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