The Jade Bracelet

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Written by Mary Frances Chong

By Siti Khairunnisa binti Sabri From 2 PISMP Mathematics 2

This Jade Bracelet by Mary Frances Chong is about the inheritance of a jade bracelet own by Mrs. Wongs mother who was sick and dying. She wished to hand over the jade bracelet to her granddaughter, Siew May after her death. Siew May really liked the jade bracelet. After Mrs. Wongs mother had died, Siew May wanted to take the jade bracelet as she was told by her grandmother before. However, Mrs. Wong handed the jade bracelet to her brother, Ah Fook Kee even though he her mother wished for the jade bracelet to be given to her granddaughter. Mrs. Wong thought of handed the jade bracelet as he was the only son of the family.

Shown by the character of Mrs. Wong In Confucianism, filial piety is the important virtue and primary duty of respect, obedience and care for ones parents and elderly family members. Mrs. Wong takes a good care of her sick mother even though she felt tired sometimes. She never complained about it. She keep doing the same duty everyday despite of her own tiredness because she FILIAL PEITY loved her mother. Look at page 172. LOVE Shown by the character of Mrs. Wong and Siew May. Mrs. Wong really love her mother even though she is tired. Siew May also love her grandmother. During their stayed at the Sam Toh Temple, she cried I want to go homeGrandmother will be waiting alone! She always telling stories with her grandmother when she still alive.


A collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal or, in some cases, greater political, economic, and social right for women compared to men Shown at the end of the story by the act of Siew May as she was fighting for her right to inherited the jade bracelet.


Shown by the character of Mrs. Wong. Mrs. Wong is willing to take care of her bedridden mother for years. Although she had a brother, she plays the role of both son and daughter. Mrs. Wong never complaint of the duty while her brother Ah Kook Fee only shows up during their mother last moment and suggested that their mother should be sent to Sam Toh Temple.

A sentimental person. She did not search through her cremated mother. She immediately declare that nothing was left from the body. A patience daughter and mother. She took car of her mother without any complaints. Responsible person as she took care of her sick and bedridden mother even though she is a daughter. Loving and caring towards her mother and daughter.



Clever Nave. She creid when her grandmother died as she believed that er grandmother was waiting for them alone at home. Has a strong curiosity instinct. Shown when she overheard he conversation between her mother and her uncle. Respect the elders. She respect her mother decision about handing over the jade bracelet to her uncle even though she wished to have it. Loving and caring. She always tell stories with her grandmother before went to sleep.


A concerned neighbor. Visiting Mrs. Wong and showed her concerned toward Mrs. Wong sick and bedridden mother. Sympathetic person.


Loving and caring person. A gentle woman. Close to her granddaughter. She always telling stories with her granddaughter before when to sleep. Wished for the jade bracelet to be passed down to Siew May as she loved her granddaughter so much. Had been bedridden for her sickness.


Mrs. Wongs brother. Irresponsible person. He left the responsibility of taking care of their mother to his sister without even come to visit his mother. Only came back during his mother last moments. Asked Mrs. Wong to take their mother to Sam Toh Temple.

Siew May overheard when her mother and her uncle were talking about sending her grandmother to Sam Toh Temple.

The grandmother wished to hand over the jade bracelet of hers to Siew May. At that time, the grandmother was dying. She then was sent to a temple named Sam Toh Temple waiting for her death.

Mrs Wong stayed up all night looking after her mother. She felt uneasy as if something bad will happen to her mother.

Siew Mays grandmother passed away. After the grandmother was cremated, Siew May took the jade bracelet as her grandmother wished to hand over to her. However, Mrs. Wong did not want Siew May to take the jade bracelet even though Siew May pleaded her.

Mrs. Wong handed over the jade bracelet to her brother, Ah Fook Kee without considering her mother wish as she thought of her brother as the only son and heir for the jade bracelet.

In the morning At the starting of the story during the conversation between Mrs. Wong and his brother AH Fook Kee about their sick mother. During the night During the climax event when Mrs. Wong was watching over her sick mother.


The Main Hall of the House At the starting of the story when Mrs. Wong and her brother , Ah Fook Kee were having their conversation about their sick mother. Grandmothers bedroom Siew May often went to her grandmothers bedroom for a story telling. Mrs. Wongs mother spent her bedridden time in this bedroom. Sam Toh Temple They stayed there while watching over the sick grandmother. They stayed the whole night and the funeral for the grandmother was held in this temple.


Chinese family and culture This story happen in a Chineses family thus shows the cultures held by the family.


Love between family is important. Mrs. Wong loves her mother very much. That is the solely reason why she took care of her mother without even thinking about her tiredness. We need to take her act as an example as we also have a parent and will have a child in the future.

Responsibility toward ones parent. This filial duty shown by Mrs. Wong emphasizes that we have our own duty as a child. That responsibility goes to our responsibility towards ones parent as they already done enough for us in rising us up.

Sympathy towards other. Mrs. Lee was very concerned towards Mrs. Wong as her mother was sick and bedridden. This feeling is important so that we will be able to help others while putting ourselves in their shoes.

Different communities have different cultures. Feminism can be seen in this short story as this short story is about the culture that are happening in Chinese community. However, feminism also happen in other community. We need to handle feminism with the correct way to avoid any conflict with others.


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