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Submitted By : Arunima A. Motiwala (A02) Sarthak Aggarwal (A18)

What is Public Speaking?

Public speaking is anytime you have to speak in public! Speaking in public scares more people than going to the dentist, falling, or death!



Types of Communication

Sign Language









Body Language
Head and Facial Expressions Eye Contact Gestures Posture Appearance


3Ms To Make Communication Effective

1. Mind 2. Medium 3. Message


Art of Persuasion
An act of influencing the other persons to voluntarily change their attitudes, beliefs, feelings and thoughts. Comes with practice and experience.

Guidelines for Persuader

Analyze the situation to know the real problem. Should know the alternative course of action. Understanding the audience. Win confidence of the audience & help them to open up. Should be flexible and emotionally stable Start from agreeable points to gradually convincing them.

Things You Should Do

Eye contact Can glance at notes Appropriate gestures Rhetorical questions to involve audience

Things You Shouldnt Do

Read directly from notes Read directly from screen Turn back on audience Slouch, hands in pockets No um, ah, you knows No nervous gestures Talk too fast, Talk too quietly

Barriers of Communication
1. Psychological Barriers
Emotions Egotism Socio- Psychological attitude and opinions

2. Cultural Barriers
Cultural Diversity Values: Ethics and credibility


3. Linguistic Barriers
Transmission Losses Style of Presentation Semantic Problems

4. Physical Barriers
Noise Improper time Distance Inadequate or overloaded information


Ten Successful Tips Control the Butterflies

Know the room- become familiar with the place of presentation Know the audience- greet or chat with the audience before hand. Its easier to speak to friends than to strangers Know your material-increased nervousness is due to un-preparedness

Control the Butterflies

Relaxation- relax entire body by stretching and breathing so as to ease the tension Visualize giving your speech-Visualize yourself giving your speech from start to finish. By visualizing yourself successful, you will be successful

Control the Butterflies

People want you to succeed-the audience is there to see you succeed not to fail Dont apologize-by mentioning your nervousness or apologizing, youll only be calling the audiences attention to mistakes

Control the Butterflies

Concentrate on your message-not the medium. Focus on the message you are trying to convey and not on your anxieties Turn nervousness into positive energynervousness increases adrenaline, transform it into vitality and enthusiasm

Control the Butterflies

Gain experience-experience builds confidence, which is key to effective public speaking

Learning Outcomes
Confidence Creative and innovative ideas reaching to audience Body language Attitude


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