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ADMS 3585 Intermediate Financial Accounting I

John Kucharczuk ADMS3585@YORKU.CA


1. Introduction
2. Chapter 1

Two 75-minute lecture modules with 10-minute break - Ill Try


1. Introductory vs. Intermediate acct. 2. Whats the course like? 3. How to excel?

1. Introductory vs. Intermediate Accounting

Breath (e.g. Revenue Recognition) Depth (e.g. Income Statement) Integration
breath + depth e.g. A past exam case

2. Whats the Course Like?

5-page Course Outline
Grading scheme Course materials Course support Course policies
You are personally RESPONSIBLE for any SURPRISES of not reading the syllabus!

Grading Scheme
1 2 3 4 Wiley Plus Quizzes Group Case Project Midterm Exam Final Exam Total 12% 15% 30% 43% 100%

Course Materials
Kieso et al., 9th ed. Wileyplus Worth 12% (top 6 of 7) Supplement
- CICA Handbook (recommended) - Study Guide (optional)

Course Support
Course website: click here Course email:
Both technical and administrative issues, 7/24 Email to instructor ( only if you did not received response in 48 hours.

Unstructured: Q&A only

Office hours
Technical questions are welcome, but administrative issues (i.e. inquires/consultations on course-related matters) will be given priority

Course Policies
Attendance Participation is highly encouraged 1 bonus point!!! Cheating in exams is extremely unacceptable No chatting unless it is designated for class discussion Please slip in as quietly as possible if late Eating, drinking, sleeping, cell phone ringing, Internet browsing

3. How to Excel in the course?

Secrets from past A students
Secret 1: Practice every assignment at least twice! Secret 2: Make sure you completely understand slides and text (to understand or to memorize?) Secret 3: Plan ahead; work on weekly basis; summary and review Secret 4: Do not hesitate when you need help

How to Excel in the Course?

Secrets from past A students
Secret 1: Practice every assignment at least twice! Secret 2: Make sure you completely understand slides and text (to understand or to memorize?) Secret 3: Plan ahead; work on weekly basis; summary and review Secret 4: Do not hesitate when you need help


Mid Term Sunday June 23 noon to 3:00pm 30 % Chapters 1-7 Location TEL0006 Both A & B Final Exam During the Exam Period August 6 to 16 30% Chapters 1-12


Wiley Plus Quizzes

Take the Best 6 of 7 quizzes (2 @ 6 each = 12%) Quizzes are due to be completed by 11:00pm Thursday. The quiz can not be stopped in the middle and started where left of at, must be completed before the one hour limit. Be prepared and know your work before you start the quiz. Watch the time and make sure you submit the quiz before the time. 14

Quizzes are: Quiz A May 16 (Chpt 3), Quiz B May 30 (Chpt 2& 4), Quiz C June 13 (Chpt 5 & 6), Quiz D June 20 (Chpt 7), Quiz E June 27 (Chpt 8) Quiz F July 18 (Chpt 9 & 10) Quiz G August 1 (Chpt 11&12)

Group Case Project

What consists of the 15% of project mark?
Case report (11%), Evaluation of another teams report/presentation (4%) Case Project due two full York U Business days before the Final Exam note Saturday and Sunday do not count as a business day Example: 1). Final Exam is on a Monday case due Wednesday (Friday Thursday = two business days) 2). Final Exam is on a Wednesday, the case is due Friday (Tuesday Monday = two business days) 16

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