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Ranjit Singh was born on Nov. 13, 1780 at Gujranwala. He was named Ranjit Singh by his father Mahan Singh. These two pictures on the right are the pictures of the house of Sardar Charat Singh, his grandfather, bottom picture is the door to the room where Ranjit Singh was born. Ranjit singh had his first taste of battle, when he was hardly ten years old. It was Sahib Singh bhangi (they were called bhangis as they use to drink 'Bhang' all the time) of Gujarat (a town in Punjab, now in Pakistan) refused to pay tribute to Mahan Singh and his estate was attacked by him. Sahib singh shut himself at the fort of Sodhran and the siege of the fort was laid. Ranjit singh accompanied Mahan Singh. The siege continued for several months.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity. *** And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

Temples Buit By Maharaja Ranjit Singh

At the Golden temple much of the present decorative gilding and marblework date from the early 1800s. All the gold and exquisite marble work were conducted under the patronage of Emperor Ranjit Singh, Maharaja of the Sikh Punjab. The Sher-e-Punjab Empire of the (Lion of the Punjab), was a heavy donor of wealth and materials for the shrine and is remembered with much affection by the Punjabi people. Maharaja Ranjit Singh also built two of the other most sacred temples in Sikhism. This was due to Maharaja Ranjit Singh having a deep love for the tenth Guru of Sikhism Guru Gobind Singh. The other two most sacred temples in Sikhism, which he built, are Takht Sri Patna Sahib (intiation or birth place of Guru Gobind Singh) and Takht Sri Hazur Sahib the place of Guru Gobind Singh's Sikh ascension into heaven.


After Guru Gobind Singh left this Earth, the Khalsa had to meet many challenges. They had to secretly live in the jungles but through their faith they survived. Many believed that there were no more Sikhs left alive. But the Khalsa kept growing in power. Soon enough, a man named Ranjit Singh began to be known as the King. He obtained a lot of land far and wide throughout the whole area. He became a Maharaja - a great king. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a devoted Sikh of the Guru and also a rich King. He stayed in the capital city of Lahore. It was during this time that a robber named Maan Singh started to become very famous in the Lahore area The robber Maan Singh and his 50 horsemen would raid villages, kill people, and steal many valuables. Maharaja Ranjit Singh sent out an order to go and stop this robber. If anyone catches him alive I will give him two villages! he said. Very few wanted to face the brave and fearless robber and no one thought that he could stop him. In the city of Lahore, Maan Singh posted up a sign that said, If anyone catches me alive, I will give him the throne of Lahore. This was a direct insult to Maharaja Ji

One day an unknown Singh rode through the jungle. He met with Maan Singh, the robber. After exchanging some words, they began to fight one-on-one. The fight lasted a very long time. They were equal fighters. Finally the robber became tired and the Singh took his opportunity and knocked Maan Singhs sword out of his hand. Tackling him to the ground the Singh said, Now I have you alive, give me the throne of Lahore! Now Maan Singh, even though he was a wicked thief, felt honor bound to his promise to give the Singh the throne of Lahore. So he said, Well have to capture it first. Let us go. When they arrived at the gates of Lahore the guards welcomed the Singh and opened the doors. Maan Singh was confused. When the Singh walked into the city he was met with applause from the people
Maan Singh started to realize that this wasnt a typical person who beat him in a fight. The Singh announced, I am the king of Lahore, the throne is mine. Your promise is fulfilled. Maan Singh was wonder struck! The man who faced him in combat was actually Maharaja Ranjit Singh himself! The Maharaja was virtuous and kind, he didnt punish the robber for his past actions. The robber became inspired by the nobility and fearlessness of the Sikhs. He became Sardar Maan Singh and joined the Khalsa army. Everything about him changed. Such was the kingdom of Ranjit Singh, no one was ever punished by death and people were always given a chance to right any wrongs they had done and to change themselves to become better.

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