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Trailer Evaluation

1) What are the codes and conventions of trailers?

The introduction to all of these is key in all trailers.

2) How are the titles used?

O The order in which the titles are used is conventional to

most trailers. Within this trailer the summit logo and mandate pictures logo are used in order to bring in the first clip, marking the start of the trailer and introduces the characters through the sound bridge before we even see them. Through out the rest of the trailer there are no titles used however there is a mini narrative through stages and key words shown on the screen, it is through these that we are able to see that although the film is a comedy there is still that real underlying theme of his illness.

3) What information do they convey?

O Within the titles the use of the block of writing at

the beginning highlights how the film has been rated and approved for viewing. O The title of the film is also shown through the trailer. O In this trailer however there is no mention of any of the actors names. This is very uncommon in trailers as most trailers at least have the name of the main actor in them, the fact that this trailer doesnt have any allows the audience to see the actors as real people and relate to them easier as apposed to if the actors names where plastered across the trailer.

4+5) How and when are characters introduced? When is the turning point demarcated by the use of a segue into another soundtrack?
O The characters Adam and Kyle are

introduced simultaneously to present their friendship as unbreakable from the exposition of the trailer. This is highlighted through the distress shown by Kyle during the poignant event in which Adam shaves his head.

O The character Katherine is then

introduced fairly soon into the trailer suggesting an importance to her character, this is heightened from the change in pitch of the non diegetic soundtrack which becomes slightly higher pitch suggesting some happiness gained from this character.

O Katherines voice is heard

as a sound bridge whilst Adam is on the bus, This suggests a depth of relationships that allows her character to act as a catalyst in addressing his own denial. It also suggest how the presence on cancer is prominent in his everyday life not just at the hospital.

6) What key scenes/ characters are used to convey the central themes and ideas?

O Adam represents those shocked by

illness, his character undergoes stages of acceptance which makes his character easily aligned with. With the help of his best friend he learns the lesson of making the best out of life.

O Kyle represents the voice of hope within

the narrative, the importance of his role as the supporting friend is enforced through his appearance at the start of the trailer and the constant reference to surviving.

O Although only appearing once in the trailer

Alan acts as a catalyst for the segue used in the soundtrack which turns sharply into an upbeat, fast paced soundtrack mentioning the words one smile, what can you give me

7) Is there a central key scene? Where is this scene positioned within the trailer?
A key scene is demarked through the character of Anna quote You cant change your situation the only thing you can change is how you deal with it. After this the music tempo increases and the audience understand that the film is a light-hearted approach to the taboo subject of cancer. The light hearted approach allows the audience to feel comfortable instead of awkward which is usually a trait associated with cancer.

O There is also the part just before when the music stops

and the ringing of a phone can be heard over a high angle shot of Adam standing on his own, we then see his therapist on the phone saying A-Adam, whats going on? and music is then brought back in with a heavy low beat, it is through this that the mood is changed once again within the trailer highlighting how there is still some seriousness to the film and it is relatable to others who have suffered such things. O The order of the shots also highlights how there is an inevitable relationship between both Adam and his therapist, this is highlighted further more with the positioning and composition of the shots and where the characters are placed in the shots that are shown one after the other, (as if they were having a deep conversation face to face).

8) Is voiceover used? How is it used across the trailers?

O A sound bridge is introduced at the very

beginning which is layered over the institution titles. Sound bridges are used to introduce subsequent scenes and establish an atmosphere. Additionally sound bridges are used as an exposition for the characters and you therefore understand there purpose within the film.

9) What information is given in the trailer?

O The trailer begins with the institutions in

which the film is produced with this is a key convention of trailers. At the end of the film we are presented with the title of the film which is a usual convention of trailers. In addition there are 3 key markers which indicates the emotional state of the protagonist.

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